Listbuilding Lesson 3

Welcome to the third Part of the Building Big Email
Lists eCourse!

Now we are going to be going over building your
e-mail list and also relationships via follow up.

Building Relationships

You now know how important building an e-mail list is
already, but even more important is to keep the e-mail
list responsive and we do that with follow up, which
makes it one of the most important parts to growing
your online business.

But you probably still have questions in your head
that sounds similar to something like this...

"Why do people need to see my offer so many times
before they make a purchase?"

The answer is because they don't trust you yet!

Shocker right?

Not really. It's normal for people not to trust a
website or a person that owns it right away.

After all, the online world has a certain level
anonymity about it that makes people apprehensive.

That's why you need to build an e-mail list with the
focus of not making a sale today but actually making a
sale in the follow up! So you can build trust with
these people to get them to make a purchase, in the
future and become a long-term customer that will buy
again and again over the next few years.!

Get Instant Access to Step-by-Step Process to Profit from Your Emails ...

Every time that you get in contact with them you
create more trust and build a stronger relationship,
and over time you'll have a customer for life.

Once they trust you they will drop the wall of
apprehensiveness and make a purchase from you (or any
other action you want them to take for that matter).

A great way that you can build these types of
relationships once you've actually gotten someone on
your e-mail list by giving away one of the freebies we
spoke about yesterday, another would be to disclose tools
or utilities that you use in your business.

Sharing free information like this might help your
customers in some way with a problem that they're
having on their website or in their business, and when
you help witj someone else's problem and they know that
you did so without trying to sell them something
you're going to not only gain a customer you're going
to gain a friend as well.

Click here to learn more about a newly released plug n
play follow up system you can drop into place in your
business today...

Are Your Emails Not Making Money? Try this...

Coming next... Listbuilding Lesson 4