Hands-Free Traffic for AdCardz, AdBoards and more…

If you’re reading this then congratulations… you’ve either just created your own AdBoard, or you’ve posted a free Ad on someone else’s AdBoard. Either way, you’re on your way to generating masses of hands-free traffic to your offers.

The only catch is, you do need to feed the machine! 

AdCardz works incredibly well, once you get a bit of momentum happening. This applies equally to AdBoard owners and AdCardz advertisers. You do need to send some traffic to begin with, to get a few signups, to start things rolling.

The good news is, the effects are compounding, so if you get those same few signs ups every month, this can explode your numbers far beyond anything you might imagine right now.

So the most effective strategy here is to activate some fast/instant traffic to get things moving… AND to also create some ongoing promotions that will keep on delivering a few visitors every month, while you move on to other things…

And without a doubt, the more time you spend on this now, the better your Ads will perform over the longer-term. So if you can spend an hour or two on this now, you’ll create a serious, ongoing flow of visitors that will last for years.

The most important question for you right now is, are you the sort of person who does the work? Or do you tend to get sidetracked and move on to other things before you get things fully set up and running?

I’m not judging…

I know I’m always impatient to get on to the next job and all too often I’ll skip over the important but tedious tasks…

I’ll plan to come back later, but somehow I rarely do.

So these days I find it’s easier to make a small investment to have the tedious traffic tasks done for me. That way when I find or buy something new that needs a few visitors to get things moving, I can set it up there-and-then, and know the job is done and I can move on to other things.

Now I use AdCardz a lot. I’ve got several AdBoards of my own, plus I post my Ads on lots of other people’s Adboards.

And all those AdCardz need to be activated.

I also like to go over and above the minimums, to really get things moving. But my time is precious, so there are a few shortcuts I use extensively for this purpose…

EzClix Buyer Traffic Club

This sends BUYER traffic to any link you want for less than $10 a month. For a one time add-on of $17, you can get that traffic sent to three links. So I’ve always got one or two of these pointing to my AdBoards, with the third sending visitors to my best converting affiliate offer at the time.

With the one-time upgrade you also get 3 banner slots and a login ad. I use EzAdz Banner Campaigns for those… 468×60 banners for the Banner Slots, 600×300 banners for the Login Ad slot. These EzAdz campaigns let me easily promote a mix of 3rd Party offers, my own sites, social content and more…

Best of all, EzClix pays a 50% affiliate commission, and converts extremely well on AdCardz, so I’ve got extra AdCards on multiple AdBoards promoting that as well, so it’s costing me nothing and making me money instead!

You can promote this directly via WarriorPlus as a non-customer, but if you purchase you’ll get instant affiliate approval and full instructions in your welcome email.

Checkout EzClix Here! 

 It’s worth noting: there are quite a few services available now that look a lot like EzClix, but they’re not! (i.e. The Click Engine, The Click Generator, Traffic Blaster Pro, Click Traffic Cyclone and much more... I also use these progs for some additional rotators)

Their main sources of traffic are Member’s viewing other Members’ offers and Visitors arriving on the site looking to join. So you’re paying by the month for what is basically a traffic exchange! And a pretty awful one at that… I’ve tried all of these and the best of them can only manage about 5 visitors a day… even with the upgrades!

By comparison, EzClix is currently delivering 4-5 times that, and less than 1% of the traffic you’ll get from EzClix will be other Members and Prospective Members. Instead it will mostly come from premium traffic campaigns, established viral systems and advertising across the EzSites network and the web in general.

So yes, EzClix might cost a little extra but it delivers so much more!


Top Dogs Rotator

If you prefer one-time payments, this has been my go-to for instant hands-free traffic for a few years now. A single payment gets you a huge bundle of traffic credits that you can send to any page you like. I originally got the top option of 1 million hits for $147, but there are smaller/cheaper options available.

You can then assign those credits to any page you like and they’ll run until they’re delivered. Your pages are viewed across some 300+ other websites, so you get some good, broad exposure with virtually no effort at all… submit your link, set a number of views and let it run…

This traffic is not the same quality as EzClix, but the volume more than makes up for it.

Any time I create a new AdCard I’ll add it here with a couple of thousand views, which will get it activated almost immediately, and keep a good flow of traffic passing through for several  months… which really kickstarts the viral effect.

Likewise, whenever I launch a new AdBoard, I’ll load it up with 20K views or so, to really get it established.

The best approach I’ve found there is to add some of my own AdCards first, and then split the 20K views among each of the AdCard links.  That way the different Ads are all getting good exposure in the Featured Ad position at the top of the page.

I use TopDogs for a lot of other promos as well. The sheer volume and convenience is priceless. It means I can log in any time and just add a link and send a truckload of visitors to any offer I like.

So I use it extensively to test new offers, I send a load of traffic to the various traffic co-ops built into some of our other sites, and I’ll often send a traffic boost to my own downline members.

Best of all, when I have an offer that is converting, I can keep the traffic flowing quickly, easily and very, very economically.

So again, this one does cost a little more upfront, but when you look at the cost per visit it is easily the best value traffic you’re ever going to find…

Check Out Top Dogs Rotator Here

P.S. Haven’t seen AdCardz Yet?

If you arrived here from somewhere else and you’re wondering what AdCardz is all about, you can get the details here.

You can post your own free mega-viral ads on any AdBoard, or sign up as an AdBoard Owner and use the platform to promote your own offers, generate masses of viral traffic and create a passive income selling advertising add-on to your advertisers…

P.P.S. To get more Traffic and Training you may visit our TeamTrafficPage and the TrafficTrainingCenter

Why Free List Monster is a Game-Changer – Review

Discover the Secret to Getting Paid for Building Your List with Free List Monster!

If you’ve ever struggled with growing your email list, you’re not alone. In fact, Craig Haywood, an experienced marketer, faced the exact same frustration. He created Free List Monster out of necessity because he was tired of seeing new marketers do things the hard way. Here’s what usually happens: you join a new program, promote it effectively, and quickly get a bunch of referrals. Then, everyone starts asking how you managed to get so many sign-ups. When you explain that it’s all about promoting to your own list, they often dismiss it as unhelpful advice and continue to spin their wheels.

Does this sound familiar? It’s a common issue that even experienced marketers face, and that’s why Free List Monster was born. It’s designed to reward you for doing the smart thing—building your email list, which is one of the biggest assets you can have in online marketing.

Free List Monster

Why Free List Monster is a Game-Changer

Instead of the typical approach where you have to pay to join a list-building platform, Free List Monster flips the script. Here, you get paid up to $550 just for building your list. That’s right—they actually pay you to grow your biggest money-making asset. This innovative concept was Craig’s answer to motivating newbies and seasoned marketers alike to start focusing on list-building instead of chasing after small, one-off commissions.

List-building is often overlooked by beginners who want instant results. They focus on getting quick commission notifications instead of seeing the bigger picture—consistent, scalable income that comes from a strong, engaged email list. Craig understood this mindset well and decided to design a program that rewards marketers for doing what actually works long-term.

How It Works: Simple Yet Powerful

The mechanics of Free List Monster are surprisingly simple but incredibly effective. The system uses a unique “one-up-to-infinity” referral model. Here’s what this means in plain terms:

When you join and start referring others, every odd-numbered referral (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.) that your referrals make will be passed up to you. The even-numbered referrals (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) stay with the person who made them. This means that your list grows continuously because your downline’s efforts contribute to your growth, even if you’re not actively promoting it.

For example, let’s say you bring in 20 referrals. Ten of those go directly to your sponsor, and ten go to you. Now, those ten members in your downline will each pass their odd referrals up to you. Even if each of them only makes one referral, that’s another ten members added to your list. And it doesn’t stop there—those new members will also pass up their odd referrals to you. Can you see how this leads to exponential growth?

The best part is, your list can continue to grow forever without you having to lift a finger. It’s a true set-it-and-forget-it system, making it perfect for both busy marketers and beginners who might not have a lot of time to invest.

Why This Referral System Stands Out

Many list-building programs use traditional referral systems where you might end up on multiple mailing lists or have limited growth potential. Free List Monster’s one-up-to-infinity model offers several unique advantages:

  1. You Only End Up on One Mailing List: Your leads only go to your sponsor’s list once, which means you’re not bombarded with emails from multiple people. It’s cleaner and more effective.
  2. Unlimited Growth Potential: The referral system ensures that your list keeps growing as long as your downline is active. You’re not capped at a certain number of referrals or subscribers.
  3. Faster Cash Rewards: The more referrals you bring in, the faster you reach higher reward levels. The system pays you as your list grows, up to a maximum of $550. And once you surpass 10,000 subscribers, you won’t worry about the rewards—you’ll be earning consistent income from promoting to your list anyway.

100% Free with No Upsells

One of the biggest selling points of Free List Monster is that it’s completely free to join. Unlike other programs that lure you in with a free offer only to hit you with upsells and upgrades, this platform has no hidden fees. It’s designed to be beginner-friendly, so you can focus on growing your list without worrying about any unexpected costs.

Monetize Your Account for Passive Income

While the core of Free List Monster is focused on list-building, you also have the option to monetize your account. This is totally optional and doesn’t interfere with your list-building efforts. However, activating the monetization option can generate additional passive income, making it a great choice for those who want to maximize their earnings. Even if you decide not to use this feature, you can still earn commissions from other products sold at a discount in the members area. These commissions come from your growing downline, meaning you’ll make money without any extra effort.

Why Free List Monster is Perfect for Newbies

If you’re new to online marketing, building a list can seem overwhelming. But with Free List Monster, you get a straightforward, easy-to-use system that pays you to do what you should be doing anyway. It’s designed to help you:

  • Grow Your List Automatically: The one-up referral system does the heavy lifting for you, allowing your list to expand without constant effort.
  • Earn Cash While Building: Instead of spending money, you’re getting paid to build your list, which is a win-win.
  • Start Earning Right Away: Even if you’re brand new, you can start making money as your list grows, giving you that early boost of confidence.

Get Started Today

In a nutshell, Free List Monster is a smart, well-designed platform that helps you build your most valuable asset—a responsive email list—while also putting money in your pocket. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the game for a while, this program offers a way to make consistent income and grow your reach effortlessly.

Ready to see it in action? Don’t wait—sign up today and start building your list for free while getting paid to do it.

Join Free List Monster Now!

And Activate Your First $40 Cash Reward Right After Joining!


  • Free to join with no hidden costs
  • Earn up to $550 for list-building efforts
  • Passive income options for extra earnings


  • Only integrates with GetResponse for automatic lead deposits

Listbuilding Lesson 3

Welcome to the third Part of the Building Big Email
Lists eCourse!

Now we are going to be going over building your
e-mail list and also relationships via follow up.

Building Relationships

You now know how important building an e-mail list is
already, but even more important is to keep the e-mail
list responsive and we do that with follow up, which
makes it one of the most important parts to growing
your online business.

But you probably still have questions in your head
that sounds similar to something like this...

"Why do people need to see my offer so many times
before they make a purchase?"

The answer is because they don't trust you yet!

Shocker right?

Not really. It's normal for people not to trust a
website or a person that owns it right away.

After all, the online world has a certain level
anonymity about it that makes people apprehensive.

That's why you need to build an e-mail list with the
focus of not making a sale today but actually making a
sale in the follow up! So you can build trust with
these people to get them to make a purchase, in the
future and become a long-term customer that will buy
again and again over the next few years.!

Get Instant Access to Step-by-Step Process to Profit from Your Emails ...

Every time that you get in contact with them you
create more trust and build a stronger relationship,
and over time you'll have a customer for life.

Once they trust you they will drop the wall of
apprehensiveness and make a purchase from you (or any
other action you want them to take for that matter).

A great way that you can build these types of
relationships once you've actually gotten someone on
your e-mail list by giving away one of the freebies we
spoke about yesterday, another would be to disclose tools
or utilities that you use in your business.

Sharing free information like this might help your
customers in some way with a problem that they're
having on their website or in their business, and when
you help witj someone else's problem and they know that
you did so without trying to sell them something
you're going to not only gain a customer you're going
to gain a friend as well.

Click here to learn more about a newly released plug n
play follow up system you can drop into place in your
business today...

Are Your Emails Not Making Money? Try this...

Coming next... Listbuilding Lesson 4

Listbuilding Lesson 2

Why build an e-mail list?

It's critical when you market anything online to build
an e-mail list because usually most of your customers
are not going to purchase from you on the first
contact they have from you.

You've probably heard that most marketers expect to only
get a 1 to 2% closing conversion rate on new traffic
to their websites, the problem is what happens to the
other 98% of the people that come to your website on any
given day?

Likely they are planning on purchasing a product
similar to yours otherwise they would not have
searched for a website like yours in the first place,
that's why it is critical that you collect an email
address so that you can sell to them in the future, if
they do not buy on the first visit to your site.

"Most customers require 7-12 exposures to your
products and services before making a purchase"

That means that it may take many potential customers a
dozen times of seeing your message before they buy!

Are Your Emails Not Making Money? Try this...

After hearing that fact, it now makes sense why it is
critically important to collect email addresses from
as many people as you can that are interested in the
types of product that you sell.

Try to think about this as if you were trying to ask
somebody on a date that you met today at the mall.

Do you think it's very likely if you met that person
today at the mall and asked them on a date that your date
would start right then and there before you got to
know that person at all?

Of course not, you would meet them possibly flirt with
them a little bit and then try to get that person's
phone number so you could call them to follow up with
them for a date at a later time once you've gotten to
know them a little bit better on the phone.

E-mail list building works much the same way, sure
there are a small percentage of people that will buy your
product the first time they come to your website,
remember we already talked about the typical 1 to 2%
conversion rate that most Internet marketers enjoy.

What we're concerned about is not that 1 to 2%, what
were concerned about today is how you can capture a
large portion of the 98% that didn't buy today!

There is way more money to be made off of that 98%
in the future than there is that 1 or 2% today, thats
just simple math.

So what were going to do is just like in the mall,
we're not going to ask for a date to start immediately
were going to flirt with our customer, so we can try
to earn that date in the future ie- the sale.

The best way to flirt with these new customers is to
offer them something of value for free. Think of it is
courting or flirting with your customers.

Your free offering could be anything as simple as a
white paper based on your niche, or some videos that
have something to do with making your prospects life
easier, or even a free sample or trial version of the
software that possibly you sell.

You may even want to consider giving them one of your
paid products for free at this first contact to flirt
with and court them into coming back and becoming a
customer at a later date.

Giving something of value to your prospects how land on
your webpage is one of the best ways to collect their
e-mail address and get them to trust you into knowing
that you're not going to be constantly trying to sell
them something, but that you're actually there to help

Get Instant Access to Step-by-Step Process to Profit from Your Emails ...

After all, if you let them get away after one look at
your sales message, you are going to lose them for
good, so why not give them something for free today
and hope that we can earn their business tomorrow or
next week on another product or service.

Giving something to your customer for free of value
now gives you the right to follow up with them so
that you can get them back to your sales message and
possibly get them to make a purchase at a later date.

This means you can get more cash with the same
customers and without additional advertising expenses,
because now you're targeting the people that leave
your website those 98% and focusing on trying to
market to that larger group of people than the normal
1 to 2% that would've normally bought anyway!

There is way more money to be made from that 98%
so those are the people I'm going to have to focus on
trying to impress.

When you focus on trying to impress that 98%, you're
still going to make the sales to the other 1 to 2%
that you would've regularly, but the new social make
off of that 98% are going to blow your numbers through
the roof, over the next few weeks.

To learn how to use secrets like this in your business
and in your list building efforts come for website now.

Get Instant Access to Step-by-Step Process to Profit from Your Emails ...

Coming next ... ListBuilding Lesson 3

Listbuilding Lesson 1

Welcome to the first part of the Building Big Email Lists eCourse!

Today we are going to be going over a short introduction on the importance of building a big e-mail list and once you have built that list how to follow up with your customers.


Your business can practically be defined by the size and quality of your subscriber list when you market anything on the Internet.

Regardless of what you sell on the Internet having a good subscriber list that you can sell to over and over again is critical in your success.

While it is nice to have a large list, the size of your list actually is not the most important part of list building.

The quality of your subscribers is one of the most important parts of running an Internet marketing company regardless of what you're selling online.

The best way to make sure that you maintain a good response and e-mail list is to follow-up with your customers on a regular basis, and become a friend and
confidant that they can count on.

In this message we need to cover exactly what Following Up means because a lot of people get it mixed up.

Following up with someone entails getting in contact  with them after they take an action on your website.

This can be as simple as signing up for your free ewsletter via an opt in form, or signing up for free samples of your products such as videos or a white paper.

Get Instant Access to Step-by-Step Process to Profit from Your Emails...

One of the best ways to build a list fast, is by giving away a lot of free great content that will entice your prospects to want to become your subscribers.

Your subscribers could also be a customer that makes a purchase of one of your product or service offerings.

Another reason to follow up would be someone signing up for your affiliate program to promote your products.

One of the most important parts of keeping your list active and responsive is following up with them on a regular basis, because it will not matter how big your e-mail list is if you do not follow up with them and keep them responsive.

Following up is getting in contact with people again after they take an action to remind them of that action.

So if someone signed up for your newsletter and hasn't taken any other actions such as a purchase, a follow up may be in order.

If an affiliate signed up for your affiliate program and hasn't promoted, again, a follow up is probably a good idea.

As you can see, follow up can be used in nearly every faucet of your online business, and is one of the most important parts of list building.
To learn how to effectively use follow up in your business, and in your list building efforts quickly and easily, click here...

Coming next ... Listbuilding Lesson 2

6 BEST Ways To Get Website Traffic For FREE & Grow Your Website!


So you ‘ Ve got a website online, but you don’t know how to get traffic to it. I understand that when you start a website It’s extremely hard, especially when it’s new to get eyeballs on it.. No one views it.

You get absolutely nobody visiting your site. Well in today’s. Video I’m gonna show you seven ways.. You can get free traffic to your brand-new website So guys. If you’re trying to make money online or you’re just generally trying to work online, You’re, probably going to have a website, and you need to get traffic to that website to make money and earn a Living on Line now, I was in that position as well.

When I started online., I had all these websites, I didn’t know what to do or how to get free traffic to those website.. I found it extremely hard to figure that out. So if you have an affiliate marketing blog, You have to say general website, or you have some sort of website and you’re, not getting traffic to it right now.

Well, you want to know how to start getting traffic to your website up as brand new, then make sure you stay to the end of This video, because I’m going to show you seven ways to actually get this done.

There do work. These methods do work. I’ve done them. I still do them today on my brand new websites to get traffic to my site. You guys we’re gonna mess around on this one. Today We’re gonna jump in straightaway and drop a like if you want to know how to get free traffic to your website.

So number one guys – and this is a really good thing to jump on right now – is Pinterest now Pinterest is a search engine, but one thing about Pinterest right now: is they just released video, so their video Algorithm is hot.

If you can go and put videos on Interest right now, you’re going to get traffic and you’re going to get a lot of traffic. In fact, I know lots of blogs where Pinterest Counts for most of their traffic, because Pinterest is simply on fire and there’s, not enough people using it.

Pinterest is one of the biggest search engines on line, but what you want to do is create informative blog posts and go to Pinterest and create pins that match your blog post and start pinning content on Pinterest over time.

You’re, going to build up more followers on Pinterest, and then you will start getting your pins to go. Viral Pinterest is one of the main traffic sources that I used For my blogs when I first started online, and I recommend trying this out right now, while the algorithm is hot, with the new video Algorithmic to your website, guys is to go into blog comments.

You know these are completely free and these are very effective. I also do this. What you want to do is go to Google and put in something related to your niche. So, for example, if your blog is about internet marketing or making sales funnels, for example, Go into Google and put in top landing pages or sales funnels creators and then go on to the blog’s.

That have a comment section and Comment and if you can try and link back to your website, Doesn’t, take very long for you to do and it’s completely free that will not cost you anything. And if you wanted to, you could Actually pay someone to do this for you.

. I know that doesn’t follow the free category, but sometimes time versus money. It is better to pay someone a little bit of money to do it. For you, However, this is an extremely easy way to go and get free traffic to your website, And this isn’t going to work in all niches, because a lot of websites do turn off their coming section.

But most websites do have a comment. Section, if you go on there and be active, You will get a nice trickle of traffic coming to your website and it will build up over time. It’ll, be very slow at the start, But if you keep doing it like, maybe go and do 10 to 20 blog comments per day every single day and you’ll.

Slowly see a good momentum of traffic coming to your website. Now number three guys’one of my favorites because it’s completely passive traffic, and this is to learn search engine optimization, But don’t do what everybody does.

For example, You want to go for Low-hanging, fruit keywords. What I find, especially in affiliate marketing, is this say: someone has a blog on making money online But go and try and rank for how to make money online.

It’s. Gon na be impossible for a brand new website to rank for that keyword.. Even big websites find a hard drink that keyword, So what you would want to do is go for a low-hanging fruit like how to make money online with Instagram for free It’s, a longtail keyword and we’ll have less competition And it’ll, be a lot easier for you to go and rank in that particular keyword.

So when someone searches how to make money online with Instagram for free your website, We have a really good chance of showing up, because that is classed as a low hanging. Fruit keyword. It has not much.

Competition has good search traffic and as a long tail keyword, And if you go learn how to i’m search engine optimization, You’ll, learn how to get your website up into those low-hanging fruit keywords Now number four is something you Do want to get onto if you haven’t done so already, and that is YouTube Once again.

This is a search engine Website right. We’re on YouTube right. Now., You’ve, probably searched how to get website traffic. This is the second biggest search engine on line now, don’t, be afraid You don’t have to actually put your face on YouTube.

, You can go and use a program called Camtasia or you could even create your own. Explain the videos All you need to do is go on put our valuable content on YouTube play link in the description You don’t have to show your face, and people will click that link and go to your website And once again it’s, a snowball effect that will build up over time, the more you do it, but you want to jump on YouTube now, because it is getting Harder to kind of break through that wall and get traffic.

I reckon there’s. A few years left to go out there and start to grow a small channel. I mean I’m, not saying that YouTube’s in a day, but it just does get harder over time. But YouTube is a great way guys to go and get free traffic plus you also get backlinks to your website, and that will also Push it up in the rankings to rank your website for those low hanging fruit keywords Now number five is really easy to do.

As well, It’s kind of like blog comments, which one I go to a website called curate calm. This is a question website where people are asking questions every single day based on specific topics. So you want to go into the search bar and put your topic in the search bar and find people that are asking Questions once you find some people that are asking questions answer that question with a good, valuable reply and they link back to your website.

Don’t, say: hey check out my website and spam. It just say hey. I found this information at blah, blah blah, calm and then link to your website will say something like. If you want to find out More information about this, you can check out this website One of the biggest mistakes people do and they come back and say: hey Franklin, your methods, don’t work Because they go and spam their links everywhere.

. This does not work, guys, trust me. People will read. Probably even do it on this particular video, because they just Don’t, let it sink into their head that if you spam you’re, never going to create a long-term online Business.

Sokurah comm is also one of my favorite places to go and get free traffic as come pletely free guys. You can do this for like an hour every single day after work., Even 30 minutes really do it in your own timeframe.

This is a great way to go and get free Traffic and Kure is very active, guys and good thing about this website as well. Is it shows up in Google? So, for example, If you find a topic on the best health programs and you’ve got an answer to that question And if someone goes in, Google and searches top 10 best health programs, sometimes cure, can show up or cure.

I don’t know how to pronounce it shows up in the top 10 of the Google search traffic. So you’re, not only getting traffic from kuro com. You’re, also getting traffic from people searching in Google and finding the cure com answer a Question and then finding your answer So that’s, a great way to go out and get free traffic.

Guys number 6 is really good, but it doesn’t require quite a bit of work to actually stick and make this work for you, and that is to go on to Related forum, know, forums and message boards online. That’s kind Of old work, but it works extremely Well.

What you want to do is sign up an account and become active and create value. You must create value for this to work.. This is how I started one of my websites to thousands of views per day, So you want to go on to one of the forums in your niche.

Just do one or two don’t kind of to overdo yourself, Go on to those forums and start an account And then once you’re on the forum, I’ve just go and create value based on your topic And then inside that value have links to your website Or even maybe spend a couple of weeks on that website.

First, Creating value and then start to drop your links on those forums All right now, once again with forums The best thing about forums. Is your content stays there forever kind of like the rest of the methods we’ve talked about and there’s, constantly people going through forums and checking things out and once again forum posts will show up in Google.

So let’s say you do a value post on how to get fit in the new link to one of your blog post about how to get fit or something. If Someone goes onto, Google and search is how to get fit. That forum might show up in the search traffic that post and then someone might go and read it and then come to your website through Google from that post.

So that’s, another great way to get free traffic and it works very well. But you need to do it properly, you need to add value or don’t bother doing it because it just won’t work. You can’t spam. Doing this type of stuff.

Now number seven guys.. It was kind of a bonus now. This is not really going out there and posting anywhere, but it’s, concentrating on your click-through rate. So if you go out and do all of these other six methods, Pinterest blog comments – SEO YouTube QR forums.

These actually create what we call Backlinks to your website as well. Some of these methods and what backlinks do is they create Authority to your website and you’ll start to get up in the ranks in Google.

Now Click-through rate is very important in Google. You want to make sure that people click your site Instead of somebody else’s, because if they click somebody else’s, then Google’s, going to see that as a signal and put you lower down the ranks.

So go into your blog post or your website, or whatever you’re, trying to get traffic to and make sure you edit the SEO meta title and Description. So it’s. Clickable. It’s, not clickbait, but it’s a little bit of clickbait in it.

But you get a higher click-through rate and this will kind of tie everything in together and get you more clicks to your website and once again, it’s Completely free to do that quick and easy Tweak. Now, If you want to learn how to actually go and get more traffic to your blog via more free methods, Paid traffic and why it’s sort of good stuff, I will leave some videos up on the screen and they Playlist it’ll take you through step by step on how to get traffic to your websites and also Make money online with your websites.

Don’t forget to subscribe tap that notification about drop a like on this video, and I’ll, see you in one of the other videos.

Source : Youtube
Source : Youtube

How To Make Money Online for FREE, No Website, No Skills. (2021)


Today, you don’t, have any excuse you don’t need a website. You don’t need money, you can start with zero dollars and you don’t need any skill in this full free course. I will show you step by step in detail in depth, how to start working online and how to make money online to reach at least three four, five or even six hundred dollars, as you will see in this video on this screen.

Really this free course is a real chance is a great chance to start working from home. So please, don’t miss it. I promise you after watching this course. After watching these minutes, you may change your life stay tuned, [, Music, ]! You know if you are following my channel, i don’t, publish any video tutorial that i didn’t test before you know, to give you the best value here i share with you things i tested i experienced, and it worked with Me so i know it’s 100 percent successful.

In this way, i ensure to publish real value on my channel and not to waste your time and my time i’m hasan from h-educate, and today i’m, really so happy so excited to publish this full free course that i Think a lot of people all over the world will benefit from and may change their lives.

Please before you start. If you are new here to my channel and if you like to watch more videos about making money online working from home, digital marketing and online business, go now subscribe to my channel, hit that red button and turn on notifications to get every new update.

Almost almost every day before i go and start directly in this free course, i have something very important to tell you look now you are watching this video. You have to take a decision. I know 90 % of you will may be watch a couple of minutes.

Will may be get bored or they don’t like to watch videos or they don’t, have self-discipline or whatever i don’t know they close the video and go and continue wasting time on facebook on instagram on Netflix or whatever, if you want to really change your life, if you want to start working from home, you have to take a decision now right now in 20 to december 2020.

You have to take this decision to watch this full free course that doesn’t require any skill totally free. Everything is free, just watch it and apply what you will learn not only watch it. You have to apply what i will show you in this video.

I will show everything step by step, so please be from that 10 percent and take the decision to change your life. So let’s, stop talking and start working in our awesome free course. So what we are going to do today, simply today we are going to learn how to sell products and services online.

Don’t. Worry you don’t need to buy any products or have a stock in your home or whatever. We will do everything online starting from today, and what’s? Nice, who are going to sell products for other people? And you will earn commission in this way.

You can start today, you don’t need to buy anything. You don’t need to take care of support and tracking or whatever you just refer someone. You just tell someone buy this product and you will earn a commission that’s simple, and this is what we call affiliate marketing, which i think is the best way and the easiest way for everyone to start working today in 2020 or even 2021.

After a couple of days, i hope the idea is somehow simple. To sum up, simply we are going to find a product for someone we are going to sell this product for anyone who needs it. Then we will earn a commission that simple now to make things simple for you.

Let’s dissect the operation into four main steps step. One is to find a product that you wan na sell. This is step one step, two is to get the url the link of that product. This link will be a unique link for you.

So you can track your earnings, you will know, and the product owner can know how many sales you get. So it’s, a tracking affiliate link. We will get the link in step. Two then step three. We will simply promote this link.

We will go and find people and let them buy this product, then step four is simply sitting down and looking into your dashboard and seeing your earnings and watching your earnings almost every day, and i will show you this in this video.

So, as you see now, we have mainly four steps. Now we will go in depth step by step practically we will apply it and see how it works. So i think in this way you will get every detail. Everything – and you can follow up with me and apply it starting from today i don’t know.

What do you want more? I’m, telling you everything from scratch and step by step. So let’s, stop wasting time and start with step one and go and find a product to sell online. Let’s start so step. One is to find a product to sell and to promote online where to find these products simply online.

We have almost thousands of products. Almost every service has an affiliate program that will help you join and promote their services. But here we have a problem. A lot of services will require in-depth approval in order to get their links and start promoting.

But what’s nice in this free course? I will show you services that doesn ‘ T require approval, so number one is bluehost. Bluehost is a web hosting company, so everyone working online, every freelancer, any small business – requires a website, so you have a very big a wide audience to promote too.

So this is a company bluehost. If you go here down, you will see in their programs that have affiliates you can click on this link and join the affiliate program. I will show you now how to do this in a little bit, so this number one bluehost it’s.

A perfect choice for beginners, like you who don’t, have any websites any following anything. You can join this directly now and you don’t need any approvals. Number two is get response. Get response is an email marketing company.

Also, anyone working online or offline will need a service to manage the email, marketing campaigns and sales funnels and so on. Get response is one of the best again. If you scroll down here, you will see the affiliate programs for get response and what’s nice in get response? There is something really so special.

I will show you this. They have two programs for you. The first one is called the bounty program which you will earn hundred dollars for every sale. Whatever the sale is, you will earn hundred dollars.

The other one is a 33 recurring commission. So if you refer a customer every month, you will earn 33 of what he pays, and this is really very important. If you think about it, you can refer a customer once and every month you will earn so it’s up to you to choose between this one and this one, and you can also join both.

If you want so simply can sign up here – and i will show you how to do this in a little bit, the third option is a click bank. Now clickbank is not a product. It’s, a market place for affiliate. So here you will have thousands of products to promote.

Let’s log into my account to show you a small example: okay, so this is the clickbank marketeplace. You can see here the categories, arts, business, computers, cooking, e-business, education, whatever gaming, health and fitness languages.

We have a lot of products if you click on any of these. As an example, education, you will see. We have a lot of products, thousands of products simply here inside clickbank. You can search and rank with the gravity and pick one of these products and start promoting.

I will show you now how to get also the link in the clickbank, but a small problem in clickbank. It’s not available in all the countries. This is why i’m, showing you different products. So if clickbank is not available, you can go with the bluehost or get response, or even the second marketplace, which is cj, affiliate or commissionjunctioncj.

com. I think cj is available everywhere on this planet. So simply after you sign up, let’s log into my account to show you this. Also let’s, see this okay! Let’s. Go to advertisers here. Advertisers means the product owners who want to promote and again here you can see in the categories section.

We have a lot of categories if you go here as an example to online services web hosting check it and click on search as an example, you will find also like bluehost is here: contabo godaddy hostgator, all these web hosting services.

You can filter by beauty, automotive accessories. Whatever you want, you will find thousands and thousands of products, but here inside cj you have to apply to programs. Not all programs are a good fit for beginners, so you have to get approval for a lot of products.

You can search if you want and see. If there is a program it doesn’t require approval. I don’t know really, but also cj is a great place to start with when it comes to affiliate marketing. So we have cj available everywhere.

We have a clickbank, we have getresponse and bluehost and we have a lot of other examples. By the way you can go to google and search for a free products for beginners, and you’ll find a lot of thousands of products now in this video in this free course, we want to do something practically, so we need to pick one Of these an example to start with, okay, but anyway, i will show you how to get the links from all these marketplaces and services.

So if you want to select another one, you have the idea on how to continue with us. Okay. So this is how to find a product search on clickbank filter, with gravity search on cj for whatever product you want.

In our case, we will go with bluehost or get response and get the link and start promoting, but the strategy can be applied on any product. So feel free to select what you feel happy and comfortable with.

So this is how to find a product to promote again clickbank, cj or directly a service like get response or blue host. Now we finish step one which is finding a product. So let’s now, go to step number two and get the affiliate links the links that we are going to promote and get sales and earn money online.

So let’s start with the easiest example clickbank. So if, if you are working on clickbank, simply when you select the product click here on a promote and then you will get this hop link generator, let’s.

Wait a little bit simply enter your account name and click on generate hop links and that’s. It you can see. Now we have this hope, link click on this button. We copied it close this. I will open notepad.

I will say here: click bank affiliate link paste it let’s, increase the font size very nice. So this is how you get an affiliate link from clickbank. So this is the link that you are going to promote and whenever someone buys the product through your link, you will earn a commission.

So what about cj? How to get a link from cj as an example, i am enrolled in contabo hosting here. You see this get links, button click on it inside cj. Let’s, wait a little bit. This will appear and you can use it after you apply and get approval inside cj or if the product doesn’t require approval.

You will have this button automatically. So let’s go here and you ‘ Ll find a lot of links simply as an example. Let’s say i chose this landing page. Let’s open it. So this is the landing page or the product website product you can see.

It here is contabo web services. Anyway. What you are going to do is to go here and click on this get code button, and then you will see this link simply. You are going to copy inside the href a tag here, just copy this link simply ctrl c copy it and then paste somewhere.

So as an example, cj contabo link here is the affiliate link, so don’t copy this one, because this is a general link. You see, we don’t have any id here for you. While if you paste this affiliate link, let’s, see a difference here.

This is very important, because if you got saved using the wrong link, you will not earn anything you can see. This is the affiliate link with the source id with your id. Everything is here why this doesn’t, have any ids so always be sure to use this link from inside the link tag.

Okay, so we copied now we have the second link from cj. I think it’s, so simple here, so let’s, see now how we can get the affiliate links from get response and bluehost. As i told you, you have to sign up it’s totally free and anyone can do it.

Let’s, sign up and do this operation inside the bluehost. I will enter a name, let’s say this username enter a password whatever you want enter your first name like this. Your phone number company keep it empty, enter the street address your country, your email address.

I will use my outlook, email and here you need to enter a url. Your website url, but you may tell me now, hassan, you told us with you. We don’t need a website. Yes, that’s. True you don’t need a website so from where you can get a url here.

Simply go here to tumblr.com tumblr is a social network, allows you to create a free blog, just sign up, and after you sign up, you will see here that you have a blog. If you go here to your account or click on h-educate here you will see this is my blog.

If i open it, you can see h-educate.tumblr.com. So you can use this free blog inside tumblr in your url. Let’s. Do it and show you exactly how to do this free blog, i will open a new browser. Go to tumblr, sorry, tumblr sign up to tumblr get started, enter your email and your password.

Whatever you want, enter a username, sorry, dot com! Okay, sign up: choose this user sign up. How old are you 29? I have read next super simple, just a simple sign up almost done, and now we are inside tumblr to tell you to choose what you are interested in now, let’s skip this.

We need to get the free blog url go here to your account and go to settings, and you can see our blogs here. Click on this blog [, Music ]. You can see it, and this is the url of your blog click on edit, and this is the url of your blog just copy it and go here inside the sign up and paste it here now, since i have a tumblr account, i will use my own Free tumblr blog, let’s go down, and here you need to enter your paypal email address where you will get paid.

So i will enter my paypal email so inside bluehost you need a paypal account, so you can get your payments and get your money. I will talk about this in depth later on. In this course click. I agree and sign up.

Let’s. Wait a little bit very nice. We signed up into bluehost how to get the affiliate link simply go here to links, and you will see this is your tracking link copy it copy? This link go here, say bluehost, and this is my affiliate link for bluehost.

Very nice, so this is how to get sign up and get the affiliate link inside bluehost. We still have get response. It’s almost the same operation. Let’s, sign up just for beginners. I want to cover everything, as i promised you, i will say my name.

My email address enter a password country. Your phone number simple your website. Again, you can paste your tumblr or simply can also go to medium.com by the way other example medium.com, and here you can also create a blog inside medium.

So also you can copy your medium blog. You can see h-educate.medium.com in the same way. You have a free blog. You can paste it here. If you want the same operation, go down, tell us how you want to promote getresponse as a beginner.

You can say social media article on your website, display banners or others say content. I’m at a robot and create the account super simple super simple, create the account. Now it will tell you, we sent you an activation email, let’s.

Open outlook and log in to my inbox, and you can see here – is the email from get response. I’ll click on activate your account super simple: let’s, wait a little bit and now our account is active. Our affiliate account let’s.

Log in i will enter my email and my password login, and here we are in the affiliate dashboard. You can see the affiliate link copy it and go here, affiliate or sorry, getresponse, affiliate and paste it here and you can see now we have the links for get response for bluehost for cj and for clickbank product.

So this is how you can get the affiliate links for all different products and i think the operation is almost the same for any other products online. So if you are working in cj, i showed you how, if you are working on clickbank, i showed you how to get the link, and i showed you other examples like getresponse and bluehost.

So till now we select the products you ‘ Ll have to select a product from these services and we got the affiliate link. Now we are ready to move to step three, which is the most important and start promoting our services and getting sales.

So let’s, go to step number three. So, as a beginner, now you don’t, have anything you don’t have a website. You don’t, have money to promote with paid ads. You don’t have anything. What is the best strategy? What is the best method for beginners to promote affiliate links to promote these services and reach targeted audience who are interested in these services in your product that you are promoting simply here as a beginner, we have mainly two strategies.

Two strategies number one, is promoting through content as an example: writing a small blog post about this service, a service review and then getting traffic to it. Also for free. I will show you how to do this in a little bit and the second strategy is by engaging with the target audience in certain websites.

It gets millions of organic traffic millions of visitors every month. So these are the main two strategies, the easiest, the simplest that everyone can do and it’s totally free and it’s for you as a beginner.

So let’s start with the first strategy, which is creating content. So what do we mean by promoting through content, as i told you simply is to create a small blog post, a small article review the service as an example, get response, review or bluehost review, or how to use bluehost a small tutorial, a blog tutorial or whatever The product is about in clickbank, you can create a small article about and refer people through the article and use these links inside your article.

Now you may tell me i don’t, have a blog. I don’t have a website where i will publish these articles. I don’t, have money to create a website, and so on. As i told you, as i promised you, everything here is free, so in order to create a free, blog post and mention affiliate links, simply you can use medium.

com a free blog on medium or a free blog on tumblr, or, as i showed you in my youtube Channel and other videos, you can use blogger.com, which is a google company to create a free, blog, okay or simply you can go to h-educate.

com/forums and in this website, which is my website, i gave you the opportunity to post articles for free. So what you are going to do is to go here to blog inside my website and you can simply log in and start posting articles like other people here, you can see this one.

This person created a get response review. You can see he is applying this strategy. He created this article about get response and you can see this is the affiliate links here inside this article and by the way, my website h-educate.

com, gets around 100,000 views every month, like this month, 116 000 views. So it’s totally free can paste or create your articles inside my website in h-educate.com forums, or as i told you, you can go to blogger.

com and create a free blog or simply create them inside your tumblr blog or your medium blog. Simply here inside medium, you can write a story. Super simple enter your here’s, a new story into the title and start writing your post and publish it.

Super simple. So here are four websites that are 100 % free and you can start your own free blog to post articles related to your to get response to bluehost or any other affiliate product that you are promoting as an example, a good title is how to create a WordPress website, with a blue with bluehost, you can create this tutorial and post it on those websites.

You can also copy and paste them on all these websites, so you can get, may be more and more traffic or, as an example, create a bluehost review or a cam, or a comparison between bluehost and other web hosting services, and so on.

This is how you can create a free article, online and post it online. Now you may be wondering: okay, i posted my article on educate on medium on tumblr on blogger or whatever, how i will get traffic, how i will tell people about this article and get them to read my article and then click on the links to buy the Service simply, as i told you, these websites already get traffic, so you have a chance to get free views.

Even if you don’t, do anything like this website gets my website. As i told you, 100. 000. If you go to medium, it gets millions, i think of visits. You can see 223 million visits. If you go to tumblr, we have also millions of visitors per month, 360 million visits and so on.

So after you publish it may be may be. You have a chance to get traffic without doing anything, but of course we will not just paste our articles and write them and sit down and wait. No, let’s. Do some more work to get free traffic to our articles, to make things faster and to earn money faster and to get and earn more money per month to get more traffic and more visitors into your articles? But before i tell you how to get free traffic? May be, someone may tell me i don’t know how to write an article or my english is not that good or whatever.

Here i have for you, three simple tips number one is to learn how to write articles. You can go to my youtube channel. You will find a video on how to write the perfect article, which is optimized for seo and for readers.

Also. Another trick is to go to google here and search for free plr articles search for this on google. Let’s, see this. Let’s open this website and this website as an example, if you go here, you can see free plr, article directory.

What is plr articles simply they are free and you can use them anywhere. You have the right to use them. It’s, totally legal. You can see the category affiliate marketing advertising whatever as an example.

If we open affiliate marketing just as an example you can see here, we have all these articles. You can pick one. Let’s, say: make money with google adsense this small article. You can copy this and add your affiliate links.

This is the basic method i don’t prefer it. I prefer doing some more work as an example. You can read this article and rewrite it on your own way. Add some buttons add some images and so on. But these are free articles.

You can use and start posting all over the internet. Add a small blog post and add your affiliate links as an example. Let’s say this one. I will copy it. I will go here to my blog, to my account. I will log in in my inside my blog just to show you a small practical example on how to do this.

Then simply you can go here and click on my blog inside your account after you sign up and then you can simply add a new post. So i would paste the title here: make money online with google adsense and let’s, get the article, let’s say this is the article and let’s paste it here.

As an example, as i told you, just don’t paste and post directly, if, like 1 000 of you now apply the same strategy on the same articles, it would it will look like spam. I really advise you to do some more work.

Like change the title change some words here, add some images. Add some may be paragraphs i don’t know may be you can join multiple plr articles together. Just do some more work to post, really a good article that will attract more visitors.

Okay, so just one note how to add a link inside this article just for beginners as an example here is our bluehost affiliate link? Okay, i will copy it. If you want to add a link, you can say click here to get a hosting anything just example.

Just i will select this and click on this insert, link and paste the link here and click enter or apply then edit, this be sure to edit and click open, a new tab. So whenever someone clicks on it, the link will open a new tab and the reader will stay inside your article and then you can simply choose a featured image.

Select the categories and submit your post. The same operation is for tumblr is for medium is for blogger. The same operation just create the article that talks about the product and add your affiliate link inside it, okay, so this is how you can create a small blog and post your articles and post the links inside it.

I think the idea is somehow simple till now everything is free. You don’t need to pay anything. Anyone can apply it from any country, okay, even from your mobile phone. You can do this. I think there’s.

Nothing here. That requires a desktop or a laptop or whatever very nice. So now you have the products you have the links. You posted the articles with the links. Now, whenever someone reads your article and click on the links and buy the service, you will earn money.

That’s simple, so this is the first strategy is with con, is with writing articles, but now we have a problem is how to get the traffic to these articles, how to do some more work, to get more traffic and to accelerate the earning Operation or to make money faster online and to make more money and to build a real business online okay.

So whenever you increase and get more and more traffic more visitors to your articles, you will obviously get more conversions and more sales to your affiliate products. So the question now is how to get free traffic.

Now, please excuse me if i want to go in depth and explain how to get free traffic all the methods step by step. Maybe i need a full course inside this course, so i don’t want you to lose focus, but if you are interested in learning more on how to get free traffic into your articles or into your blog and your website, you can simply go Here to my youtube channel and go to playlists, you will find a playlist with six videos on how to get free traffic to your website, starting from day one you can see in my videos.

I have this: the bomber traffic method. I have this video how to get traffic from quora and so on. So i will keep all the links attached by the weekend check the links and watch these videos after you finish this course and learn how to get more and more traffic into your articles.

So till now we learned how to get the products the affiliate product, how to get the affiliate links and how to market the affiliate, links and add them using content, marketing or mainly, and more precisely, using articles and blog posts that i showed you four websites totally Free to post your articles on by the way may be, you have already a blog or may be.

You have like five dollars per month to invest in creating a professional blog. You can do this, you can go to my channel and scroll down. You’ll, see here a video on how to create a wordpress blog, like my blog, like h-educate, the blog.

If you go here to blog.h-educate.com, this is just a small log. If you have some money to invest and create a professional blog, you can do this. You can watch this free tutorial to create a blog like mine, like h-educate like this one you can see.

This is my professional blog and by the way you can go to my blog now and take a look on the type of articles on the titles. On how i create my articles, we can take some notes and ideas to implement the same structure and the same strategies to create your own articles.

I don’t mind this also another small tip go to at h-supertools.com the free seo digital marketing tools. Platform here, go to seo, to keyword research tool and to the questions explorer tool, or also up in the youtube keyword tool.

What we can do here is to find ideas as an example. We are promoting web hosting as an example. Okay, you can say here web hosting click on search and now this free tool will give you a lot of ideas and topics that you can write about.

As an example, the best web hosting what is web hosting best web hosting for wordpress all these can be titles and articles or topics to write about. We can also use the question explorer as an example say.

Web hosting and this tool will help you find what people are searching for, and this is very powerful. You can see here and explore questions that people are asking as an example why web hosting is important.

Also, this can be used as titles for your articles as topics for your articles. You can also use this free keyword, research tool on h-super tools to get more and more ideas and topics anyway. These are some tips, go to my blog to h-super tools.

To get more articles more topics to write about inside the free blog post, i think the idea now is somehow simple and anyone can apply it. Let’s now move on to the second strategy in promoting our affiliate links, which is engaging with the target audience in specific websites.

What are these websites and how we will engage with those audience to refer them and what are some important tips and things that you have to do? Let’s, see together. Now, simply you are going to answer questions related to your products.

Let’s, go directly and see practically how to do this go to website called answers.com. This website gets every month, like seven million visits. Okay, here you can search for questions related to your products as an example search for web hosting, okay and find answers or find questions related to your products and answer them.

Then you can promote the affiliate product. Okay, so this is number one. Answers.Com number two is answers.yahoo.com the same concept. You can answer questions on yahoo answers related to your products.

The third website is quora.com, which i think is one of the best websites. I always talk about it because really quora changed my business. I get a lot of traffic. If you go here to my profile, you will see that this month i have 50 000 views on quora.

I have till today, 343 000 views on quora. It’s, really a wonderful website to get traffic from. If you go here to my youtube channel again, because this because it’s really very important, i really advise you to go to my youtube channel now to my videos.

You will see here this video, how to get free traffic to your website from quora in-depth, step-by-step tutorial on how to use quora the best practices to get traffic from these awesome websites. The same concept you can search here for your topic as an example, in my case web hosting sorry web hosting and find questions related to your products start answering answering them as an example.

What is the best web host to use? You can simply here write a small answer. Click answer write a small answer and mention the service. You are promoting okay, the same concept on quora on yahooanswers and answers.

com. Also you can find forums as an example. Here is my forum. You can go and answer questions on my forum and link back to your services, but here you have to know something very important. Please focus very well.

If you don’t want to get banned on quora or yahoo or answers.com. You have to do something very important, which is never never share the affiliate links directly in your answers here. As an example, you get this link here copy and you say press here whatever and you paste the link and click add, and this is the affiliate link.

Never do this in the answers now you may tell me, okay, so how i will get traffic from these websites or how i will get clicks to my affiliate products. Please focus and some patience with me don’t ever.

Do this paste the links directly, you will get banned in quora in answers.com or any other similar websites you may find on the internet, but on my website you can do this. I will allow you to add the affiliate link directly to help you.

So if you are answering questions on my forum and posting in my blog, i will allow you to add affiliate links in this way. I can motivate you and give you some push to start working. At the same time, i can get more people to my website to engage in my forum anyway, so how to fix this problem, how we can then get a traffic from inside quora.

Simply you have to build what we call a small landing page, a landing page in between the affiliate link and quora or other websites how to do this? How to create a landing page? Let’s say this: is the affiliate link? Okay, if you open it here, we will go directly into bluehost using our tracking link.

You can see this is the affiliate link for bluehost. As i told you, you can do this inside quora, so between this page and quora, we have to create a middle page. A landing page, a small page that is allowed to add in quora because it’s, a small web page.

You can add it with no problems and the landing page will take you to this main affiliate service or affiliate product. So everything will be illegal, you know you not get banned. Everything will be perfect so how to create this small landing page.

Now we have two choices. The first one is somehow paid. You must pay like five dollars per month to create whatever landing pages you want. If you go here to my youtube channel and go down here, you can see how to create landing pages for cheap step by step.

I showed you exactly how to do this, but since this video is about 100 % free method to help you, i will show you now a free method to create a small landing page simply go to link.me. If you are following me, you know, link dot.

Me is a short service, a short url service powered by h-educate. Simply here let’s, open link.me, other browser. If you go into pricing, i added a free plan. I have the free plan today, just for you to start this tutorial to work in affiliate totally for free, you can add up to five urls and get up to ten thousand clicks per month totally for free and you can add five custom splash pages, which is The landing pages that you can create for free inside link.

me also, you can add one custom domain and custom addresses. So everything will be free, just sign up in link.me, using this free plan, and then you will have this dashboard. What you are going to do simply is getting this affiliate link where’s, my link, getting this affiliate link copy it, and here inside link.

me, go to splash pages and create and use splash page click on create a splash page enter a unique name. As an example, splash 101, whatever enter the link to the product here, you will enter the affiliate link.

You can see the affiliate link will be here. You can add a custom, a custom title like get the offer now and add an image, a logo and a banner for this page. That simple and you can add, also a custom message and create a splash page that’s simple after you create the splash page.

It will be here. Let’s edit this. This is my splash page and simply i will go to my dashboard again to my dashboard and then i will get this link again or my affiliate link, sorry and paste it here then, in the advanced options, i will say other example: blue host anything – and here You can select splash and enter the custom splash page you have, and if you have a custom domain, you can select it here and click on shorten sorry is taken, bluehost anything shorten.

Okay. So now we have this custom splash page. If you copy it and open it in the browser, it is a small landing page, and whenever someone clicks on this link, he will go to bluehost using your affiliate link.

So here you can build a free landing page, a free splash page to use in websites like answers.com and quora, and so on. It’s better, to use your own custom domain, to look more professional and to allow quora give you some high reputation as you are using a custom domain any anyway.

Now you can create these small pages small landing pages and use them inside quora inside yahoo answers inside answers.com to promote your affiliate products. I hope you got the idea, so these websites get millions of visits.

Just answer, questions related to your product. Please go to my youtube channel watch this video. It’s very important. I explain, step by step in 20 minutes a small free course on how to answer questions, how to create answer templates everything to get the best out of quora and yahoo answers at answer.

com. Also, you can go to my forum and answer questions totally for free. Just get traffic to your affiliate links using this second strategy and start making money, so these are the two main strategies: free strategies that anyone any beginner can start with.

Of course, we have a lot of other methods, also free to get traffic. You can go here to my youtube: channel. [ Music ] go down. You will see this web, this video, how to get traffic to affiliate links copy my methods.

You can also learn different methods, but in this free course i am showing you the easiest methods that anyone can do and it’s totally for free. I hope you got the point so just to sum up again, we selected the products we got.

The affiliate links here, we explained two strategies for beginners to promote, which is creating content articles on websites and answering questions and how to build free landing pages with link.me totally for free everything is for free everything is for beginners.

Just you need to take action now and start and apply what you have learned in this free course. So these are the three main steps in affiliate marketing on how to make money online. I explained in detail in this free course.

Now we have to move to step number four, which is the last step which is sitting down and watching your earnings to give you some motivation to show you a proof that this really works. Let’s log in to one or two of my dashboards and see the earnings on the screen, so the first one is cj.

I will log in and the other one is hostinger affiliate. It’s, a web hosting company. Also, i will log into impact to show you. Maybe i have a couple of dollars also here i will log in let’s log in also here so like every day you can log in to your dashboards and start enjoying your earnings online.

So this is the first dashboard you can see here is cj. This is my dashboard and i have, in my balance, 1 200 dollars earnings. If you see this week, i made like 118 dollars this month. I made around 695 dollars only in cj.

Last month i made around 586 dollars and so on so you can see. This is my first dashboard after you apply this strategy, you have to sit down and start enjoying your earnings from different platforms.

Let’s, see impact. I also have like 85 dollars incoming in my balance. I have like 42 dollars approved, not bad. Let’s log in to hostinger affiliate, to see also what i have for the last couple of days here’s.

My publisher account very nice. We have 144 dollars also for the last week i think, or a couple of days last seven days very nice, so you can see in this way after you apply your methods, you can start enjoying your earnings in different platforms for different services.

This method is 100 working. It’s, one of the top methods that maybe 80 percent of people working online. Do it’s, affiliate marketing, it’s, one of the top methods to work online today in 2021. So in this way we have covered the four main steps: finding a product, getting the affiliate links, promoting the links and enjoying sitting down and looking into your earnings dashboard.

These are the four main steps for this free course. Now we have one last point: i think it’s, also important for a lot of you, which is how to get the payments the payouts. I will explain every platform how to get the payments from after you earn money also to have an idea.

Maybe you need to get a paypal account, maybe a bank account and so on now to make things simple for you in terms of payouts. Usually we have three main methods, paypal or direct bank account. Direct deposit in the bank account or may be a cheque by mail or simply using pyoneer, so just to have an idea.

Some examples: bluehost uses paypal, but you have the right to contact the company. Whenever you have some earnings may be, they have some private methods. They can use to send you the money, maybe tell them.

I don’t, have a paypal. I have bank account just contact them and try, but in general bluehost uses paypal, clickbank uses paypal or direct deposit or pyoneer. So it has all the payout methods, cj uses direct bank deposit and by the way, by the way, just in case you don’t, have a paypal account.

You can simply go to pyoneer.com. As i told you all, the links will be attached. You can check them if you go to pioneer which allows you to create a virtual bank account online. So if you are in china or india or whatever any country, you can create a bank account that is us based or maybe uk based just sign up register and pyoneer, and you can create a global bank account to use in any service.

So pioneer will help you it’s worldwide. I think in all countries available or paypal or direct bank account. But anyway, if you don’t, have a paypal or pyoneer or whatever. Please don’t. Give yourself any excuse from starting getting your money at last, i think, is the easiest step.

Even if you don’t have a paypal. If you don’t, have a pyoneer account or a bank account, you will still get a solution. We have a lot of companies now that exchange money between pyoneer and paypal, between bank and paypal, and so on.

You can contact a friend online. We have a lot of services like this, so please, don’t. Give yourself any silly excuses from starting just start now: create content, promote, get traffic, get sales, earn money and you will get them just contact the company.

They will help you and tell you how to get your money. So then, so don’t. Give yourself any excuse from starting, i showed you everything you don’t need any money, no investment, just you need, like one hour a day to work, to really concentrate and focus and start working and following step by step, you can watch this course.

May be multiple times and start implementing the strategies watch my other related videos, my free videos to get more traffic and so on. So you can earn more and more money and by the way you can go to my youtube channel and to my playlists here you will find a full playlist about affiliate marketing case studies.

You can see affiliate marketing case studies. I showed more than five case studies, step by step what i did to earn money from different products. You can also watch them to learn more and more ideas and tips on how to scale up this affiliate marketing business online.

I hope you enjoyed this free course, because if you have any questions, you can comment them below or simply go to my forum now h-educate/forum and submit your questions. I will be there almost like every two days to answer your questions like monday, wednesday and friday.

To answer your questions on the forum, also, if you want to help others and motivate others, you can share what you did your earnings, everything in the comments or in the forum, so we can help each other and motivate each other work online and change our lives.

Please don’t forget if you like to watch more videos like this more free courses subscribe now now to my channel and turn on notifications and don’t forget please, like the video to give me some motivation to publish more and More videos like this see you later [ Music ].

Today you don’t. Have any excuse you don’t need a website. You don’t need money, you can start with zero dollars and you don’t need any skill in this full free course. I will show you step by step in detail in depth, how to start working online and how to make money online to reach at least three four, five or even six hundred dollars, as you will see in this video on this screen.

Really this free course is a real chance is a great chance to start working from home. So please, don’t miss it. I promise you after watching this course. After watching these minutes, you may change your life stay tuned, [, Music, ]! You know if you are following my channel, i don’t, publish any video tutorial that i didn’t test before you know, to give you the best value here i share with you things i tested i experienced, and it worked with Me so i know it’s 100 percent successful.

In this way, i ensure to publish real value on my channel and not to waste your time and my time i’m hasan from hdk, and today i’m, really so happy so excited to publish this full free course that i Think a lot of people all over the world will benefit from and may change their lives.

Please before you start. If you are new here to my channel and if you like to watch more videos about making money online working from home, digital marketing and online business, go now subscribe to my channel hit that red button and the notifications to get every new update.

Almost almost every day before i go and start directly in this free course, i have something very important to tell you look now you are watching this video. You have to take a decision. I know 90 of you will maybe watch a couple of minutes, will maybe get bored or they don’t like to watch videos or they don’t, have self-discipline or whatever i don’t know they close the video And go and continue wasting time on facebook on instagram, on netflix or whatever.

If you want to really change your life, if you want three to start working from home, you have to take a decision now right now in 20 to december 2020. You have to take this decision to watch this full free course that doesn’t require any skill totally free.

Everything is free, just watch it and apply what you will learn not only watch it. You have to apply what i will show you in this video. I will show everything step by step, so please be from that 10 percent and take the decision to change your life.

So let’s, stop talking and start working in our awesome free course. So what we are going to do today, simply today we are going to learn how to sell products and services online. Don’t. Worry you don’t need to buy any products or have a stock in your home or whatever.

We will do everything online starting from today, and what’s? Nice, who are going to sell products for other people? And you will earn commission in this way. You can start today, you don’t need to buy anything.

You don’t need to take care of support and tracking or whatever you just refer someone. You just tell someone buy this product and you will earn a commission that simple – and this is what we call affiliate marketing, which i think is the best way and the easiest way for everyone to start working today in 2020 or even 2021.

After a couple of days, i hope the idea is somehow simple. To sum up, simply we are going to find a product for someone we are going to sell this product for anyone who needs it. Then we will earn a commission that simple now to make things simple for you.

Let’s dissect the operation into four main steps step. One is to find a product that you wan na sell. This is step one step, two is to get the url the link of that product. This link will be a unique link for you.

So you can track your earnings, you will know, and the product owner can know how many sales you get. So it’s, a tracking affiliate link. We will get the link in step. Two then step three. We will simply promote this link.

We will go and find people and let them buy this product, then step four is simply sitting down and looking into your dashboard and seeing your earnings and watching your earnings almost every day, and i will show you this in this video.

So, as you see now, we have mainly four steps. Now we will go in depth step by step practically we will apply it and see how it works. So i think in this way you will get every detail. Everything – and you can follow up with me and apply it starting from today i don’t know.

What do you want more? I’m, telling you everything from scratch and step by step. So let’s, stop wasting time and start with step one and go and find a product to sell online. Let’s start so step. One is to find a product to sell and to promote online where to find these products simply online.

We have almost thousands of products. Almost every service has an affiliate program that will help you join and promote their services. But here we have a problem. A lot of services will require in-depth approval in order to get their links and start promoting.

But what’s nice in this free course? I will show you services that doesn ‘ T require approval, so number one is bluehost. Bluehost is a web hosting company, so everyone working online, every freelancer, any small business – requires a website, so you have a very big a wide audience to promote too.

So this is a company bluehost. If you go here down, you will see in their programs that have affiliates you can click on this link and join the affiliate program. I will show you now how to do this in a little bit, so this number one bluehost it’s.

A perfect choice for beginners, like you who don’t, have any websites any following anything. You can join this directly now and you don’t need any approvals. Number two is get response. Get response is an email marketing company.

Also, anyone working online or offline will need a service to manage the email, marketing campaigns and sales funnels and so on. Get response is one of the best again.

Source : Youtube

4 New Free Website Traffic Sources – Get Free Traffic Fast


in this video I’ll show you four of my own personal free traffic strategies and you can use them today to get free targeted buying traffic to your website or blog using some of these free traffic methods I’m getting thousands of visitors to one of my niche websites and I’ve recently repeated this on a brand new website that is growing really fast this traffic is 100% free and it converts into sales and opt-ins just like what you can see here so keep watching if you want to find out how to get free targeted traffic to your website or blog my name is Greg Kononenko the Caffeinated Blogger and in this channel I publish tutorials dedicated to getting traffic blogging and making money online before we get to the actual strategies click subscribe and also click the bell notification icon to never miss my future videos so here is the first traffic method Quora.

com. Quora is a goldmine for free targeted traffic in any niche here is some proof that Quora traffic works for everyone in a variety of different niches in a recent interview I did with Shruti from indiangirling.

com. She shared with me some of her traffic stats and she showed me the breakdown of her social media traffic including Quora Quora traffic as you can see performs the best it has the lowest bounce rate as well as the highest amount of time spent on the page this means that Quora traffic has got the potential to give you more sales and more commissions from the same amount of traffic so what is Quora and how exactly can you get traffic from it to your website or blog it’s a community-based question-and-answer platform where people can post questions about any topic and others answer those questions Google then picks up those community generated pages of questions and answers and includes them in their search results Google loves Quora and here is exactly why according to ahrefs data Quora is in the top seven hundred websites in the whole world and has huge Authority and as you can see Quora ranks 476 million various keyword phrases that’s really good news because it means that you can a slice of their traffic as well to do that you need to get your answer with a link to your website or blog into one of those community generated question-and-answer pages so here is a full step-by-step process for exactly how you can get free traffic from Quora to your blogger website the first thing that you’ll need to do is head over to quora.

com and register your account after you register your account you should go into your profile and fill it out the best way that you possibly can making sure to fill out every single thing in your profile so you need to fill out your description you need to also fill out your credentials and highlights this is very important to make sure that your answers look credible and the other most important thing that you need to fill out is knows about so you will see it somewhere here in your right-hand sidebar and this will then determine what kind of topics will pop up in your feed so that you can answer and get traffic to your website as you can see here I’ve got a bunch of things that I’ve entered as the topics that I personally know about I’ve entered topics such as search engine optimization blogging YouTube SEO web marketing affiliate marketing for your niche it could be different it could be for example weight loss weight training as you start typing those things in you will see the suggested topics coming up and you will only need to do really is just click this and you will follow that topic okay I’m just going to delete it back now after you’ve entered all of the topics I recommend having at least ten but enter everything that you can possibly think of that is related to your niche after you do all of that you need to click done and then when you come back into your main screen you will see here at the top there is an option saying answer and once you click the answer button you will see a feed with all of the questions that relate to those categories that you’ve just volunteered to answer questions for so you can scroll the feed and find the questions that are suitable for you the questions that you don’t want to answer you can just pass on for example here it says what are some challenges facing the SEO industries I can simply click pass on that and then I will scroll down until find something that I do want to answer to you we’ll see here it says why the different SEO tools show different numbers of backlinks okay so I could now go into this question read the question check out the answers that have already been given and then give my own answer so to give an answer I need to do is start typing the answer here and according to Quora rules at the moment you are allowed to link back to your website provided that Aransas high quality and the link that you provide actually adds value to the answer so to give you an example here if I had a post on my site that talks about SEO tools and why they show different numbers of backlinks I could give a nice long answer that properly answers the question that’s been asked and I can provide a link to my website at the bottom of the sensor for example saying something like if you would like to know more you can read about it here in my blog post so here is another example you can see here there is a question what is your review of us this year which is a wordpress plugin and here is an answer that has been uploaded several times we can see well it’s had one upload and there are links within this answer – there is blog posts so you can do exactly that to get traffic from Quora onto your website by providing the link inside the answer to maximize your results on Quora make sure that your answers are actually helpful if your answers get upwards then Quora will promote your answer on their platform as well as to their email list that will mean that your answer will get a lot of views from people opening their emails as well as from notifications inside the Quora platform so this was strategy number one Quora.

com traffic now let’s move on to strategy number two viral traffic this is one of the things that has been working exceptionally well for me so I want to share it with you guys as well as you can see here my new posts get a ton of shares this recent post has had 150 shares in just a few days without me doing anything and this one has had 191 shares in a couple of weeks how does it work well people love sharing stuff on social media anyone who visits my blog likes the article can click one of these sharing buttons and share this article with their followers on Facebook Twitter and so on this gets me free visitors without me having to do anything so if you’re currently not using any of the social sharing plugins then you most likely missing out on a lot of targeted traffic I also resisted installing a social sharing plugin for a really long time I’m not entirely sure why I just did not think that it would actually give me any benefit but it turns out that they work really well and bringing huge spikes of traffic just like what you can see here here is exactly how you can get a lot of free traffic using social sharing plugins the plug-in that I use on my website is called social warfare there is a free plan that’s more than enough for most websites if you need some extra features down the road there is a professional version of it available as well you simply need to download the plug-in and install it on your website with the free plan you’ll be able to get this beautiful sharing buttons on your website with a pro plan you will be able to access some additional features such as additional designs for the buttons and only displaying social counts once the shares has reached a certain minimum threshold if you want to check out social warfare for yourself then click the link in the description below now let’s talk about strategy number three answer the public answer the public is a website that will help you get free very targeted long tail search engine traffic you simply cannot get these keywords using any other keyword research tool so keep watching to find out exactly how you can use answer the public to start using enter the public simply type in three words answer the public into Google and click the first result that comes up here we are on the answer the public website and answer the public in a nutshell is a platform that allows you to collect real questions that people type into Google and convert them into longtail keywords that you can use to get free traffic to your websites or blogs so let me give you an example of how this works by the way I love this guy he’s really funny he gets very frustrated if you don’t actually type stuff in people were in a weight loss niche I will type in how to lose weight in to enter the public and click get questions now it’s going to take a moment or a few moments to collect the keywords for you so as you can see now I’ve got several hundred various longtail keywords which are represented in both the graphical form here at the top as well as the least form at the bottom and these are really unique because you will not be able to get these same questions or these same keywords anywhere else using any other tool you can only get them using answer the public and they are once again real keywords that people type into Google for example will probiotics help to lose weight will fasting help to lose weight when to lose weight after giving birth and so on so they are very hyper targeted questions with problems that people need solutions for alright now let me give you an example of how you can get traffic with this let’s just type one of them into Google and see how much exact competition we have so I’m going to take this one how to lose weight with Zumba Fitness copy it and then paste it into Google enclosed in quotation marks so that we can figure out exactly how much that exact competition the reason Google for this keyword so we can see that there are only 19 results this is amazing because for most of these things when you type them into Google you get 50 or a hundred thousand websites that are competing for that direct phrase ok here there are only 19 and this is an actual keyword that people type in on a regular basis into Google what that means if you create some high quality content that’s focused on this keyword how to lose weight with Zumba Fitness you are very likely to end up on page one of Google even if your website has super minimal Authority simply because there is so little competition out there for this keyword I’m hoping you’re seeing the power of this now let’s take it to the next level how do you actually get massive targeted traffic using into the public comm well you already know that there are hundreds of suggestions here that you can get for your initial the strategy is to pick out 10 or 20 of these questions check them out in Google like this using the quotation marks and verify that there is little competition so anything under 3000 is great once you’ve got 10 or 20 of these keywords then create one article which covers each of these questions in 100 to 200 words so you would take how to lose weight with Zumba fitness and make that one of the headings h1 on your article and then answer that question with 100 to 200 words and then repeat the process so basically create an article that answers approximately 10 to 20 of these questions in one article you will have this way you will have an article that’s 1,000 to 2,000 words in length which is excellent length for google and once you publish that your radical is very likely to start pulling in this longtail keyword search traffic from Google which will be very very targeted and with very easy to get and once again you can only do this using enter the public forum you can’t get this kind of information using any other of the keyword research tools so I’m hoping you’re seeing the potential of this into the public is an amazing tool and you can get a lot of free traffic to your website or blog using it alright so this was the whole process for how you can use answer the public to get traffic now let’s move on to strategy number four which is building your email list not building your email list is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make for the first eight years of my internet marketing business career I was not building an email list and I really regret it now you can drive all the traffic you want to your website but if you’re not capturing it into an email list you’re not actually growing your customer base and your audience you have now learned three various techniques just from this video for how you can get the traffic onto your website or blog that’s Quora social sharing and enter the public but once you implement these techniques or any other techniques 95% of the people who come to your website will leave without buying anything and they will never come back to your website that’s why you really need to start building a list of those email subscribers once you’ve got an email list then getting the traffic to your website is as as sending an email to your subscribers most of the beginner websites that I see are not collecting email subscribers at all and that’s a huge mistake so here are a few tips and strategies that you can implement today to start building your email subscriber list using these techniques personally I’ve been adding between 30 and 40 email subscribers every single day just from my campaign at a blogger website and I’m going to show you how to do the same in just a second the first place where you should be inserting an opt-in form is your home page as you can see on my caffeinated blogger website I have two opt-in forms on my home page one at the top and one at the bottom now the reason why it’s so important to have opt-in pages on your home page is that a large proportion of the people who come to any page on your site will end up checking out your home page just to see what your site is all about so you do get a lot of referral traffic onto your home page in virtually any niche with virtually any website that I have personally seen the the opt-in form that’s laid out this way on the home page converts really well as you can see from my thrive leads dashboard here are the stats on the conversions from that home page so the top home page opt-in form converts a 3.

5 5% and the bottom part of it converts a 3.3 7% if we add those up together because they are the same page view in total approximately 7% of everyone who visits my home page ends up joining my email list that’s a really great statistic when you compare it to a lot of the other types of opt-in sidebar and so forth if you’re not currently using an opt-in form on your home page then I recommend that you definitely do it this kind of front page opt-in format works in any niche my blog is in the blogging and traffic niche but the same format works absolutely the same in weight loss niche in health niche relationships niche any niche that you can possibly think of the second type of opt-in form that I see a lot of people not using and that actually works really really well is the dedicated squeeze page similar to what you can see on the screen here so here I’m offering a free traffic course to anyone who wants to sign up to it and the way that I drive traffic to it is from variety of different sources so basically I linked to this page from nearly all of my blog posts at least a couple of times and that drives a lot of traffic from all of these blog posts and from the various other traffic sources onto this squeeze page I will show you an example here is an example of a blog post you can see that at the bottom here I am linking to this free course the wedding that I’m using is sign up for my free Pinterest traffic course here and a lot of people that click on here will land onto the squeeze page where they’re able to sign up to the free traffic course I’m here inside the thrive leads dashboard and as you can see my conversions currently see that fifty one point three seven percent and using this squeeze page I’ve added one thousand seven hundred and forty-one leads so far since I last reset stats the third type of opt-in form that you can use is sidebar opt-in but with a twist let me show you what I mean so you most likely have seen or possibly are yourself using a sidebar opt-in which is similar to this what I’m offering here on the right-hand side free traffic course 1000 visitors the problem with most of these sidebar opt-ins is that once a user Scrolls past them it’s gone out of their sight never to come back again so this is not very good for your list building so the little hack that I recommend you implement if you’re not using it yet is to make that opt-in sticky so as you can see I’ve got my opt-in form here again in the sidebar but as the user continue scrolling down the blog post this second form actually ends up being sticky that means that if they continue scrolling down the post that sidebar will always be in their face at least on the desktop to do this I use a plug-in called q2 w3 fixed widget which is a free plugin which you can download from the wordpress.

org website once you installed and activated the q2 w3 fixed widget it will add this little option here to your sidebar widgets called fixed widget all you then need to do is take this text widget check box for the widget that you would like to be fixed and it will then stick in the sidebar and not actually drop the screen as the user is scrolling down the screen once you implement this and the sidebar becomes sticky you’re very likely to get more opt-ins to your email list than if you were not using this fixed sidebar widget so how does it convert I’m here inside my thrive leads dashboard once again and as you can see my Pinterest traffic course which is my sidebar widget converts at one point 92% which is quite good compared to the times when I was not using this fixed sidebar widget I was getting less than 1% conversions so this has effectively enabled me to double my opt-in rate just by using this q2 w3 fixed widget opt-in using all of these tips you should now be well on your way to building your own email subscriber list in case you’re curious what plug-in I’m using on my website to build my subscriber list as well as to run all of the analytics for lead collection it’s called thrive leads I love that plug-in I use it myself on all of my websites and if you want to check it out then you can click the link in the description below this video ok so there it is these are four of my favorite strategies that you can start using today to start getting more free traffic to your website or blog if you enjoyed this content and you’d like to get more similar videos in the future about getting traffic blogging and making money online then make sure to subscribe to the Caffeinated Blogger channel right now just click the button below this video don’t forget to click the little bell notification icon to get real-time updates as soon as I upload my next video if you want access to my free online marketing course then click the link in the description below thank you so much for watching comment below let me know what you think and I will see in the next video in this video I’ll show you four of my own personal free traffic strategies and you can use them today to get free targeted buying traffic to your website or blog using some of these free traffic methods I’m getting thousands of visitors to one of my niche websites and I’ve recently repeated this on a brand new website that is growing really fast this traffic is 100% free and it converts into sales and opt-ins just like what you can see here so keep watching if you want to find out how to get free targeted traffic to your website or blog my name is Greg Kononenko decaffeinated blogger and Denise channel I publish tutorials dedicated to getting traffic blogging and making money online before we get to the actual strategies click subscribe and also click the bell notification icon to never miss my future videos so here is the first traffic method Quorra calm Quora is a goldmine for free targeted traffic in any niche here is some proof that Quora traffic works for everyone in a variety of different niches in a recent interview I did with Shruti from Indian girl ENCOM she shared with me some of her traffic stats and she showed me the breakdown of her social media traffic including Quora Quora traffic as you can see performs the best it has the lowest bounce rate as well as the highest amount of time spent on the page this means that Quarry traffic has got the potential to give you more sales and more commissions from the same amount of traffic so what is Quora and how exactly can you get traffic from it to your website or blog it’s a community-based question-and-answer platform where people can post questions about any topic and others answer those questions Google then picks up those community generated pages of questions and answers and includes them in their search results Google loves Quora and here is exactly why according to a H refs data Quorra is in the top seven hundred websites in the whole world and has huge Authority and as you can see Quorra ranks 476 million various keyword phrases that’s really good news because it means that you can a slice of their traffic as well to do that you need to get your answer with a link to your website or blog into one of those community generated question-and-answer pages so here is a full step-by-step process for exactly how you can get free traffic from Quora to your blogger website the first thing that you’ll need to do is head over to Warren comm and register your account after you register your account you should go into your profile and fill it out the best way that you possibly can making sure to fill out every single thing in your profile so you need to fill out your description you need to also fill out your credentials and highlights this is very important to make sure that your answers look credible and the other most important thing that you need to fill out is knows about so you will see it somewhere here in your right-hand sidebar and this will then determine what kind of topics will pop up in your feed so that you can answer and get traffic to your website as you can see here I’ve got a bunch of things that I’ve entered as the topics that I personally know about I’ve entered topics such as search engine optimization blogging YouTube SEO web marketing affiliate marketing for your niche it could be different it could be for example weight loss weight training as you start typing those things in you will see the suggested topics coming up and you will only need to do really is just click this and you will follow that topic okay I’m just going to delete it back now after you’ve entered all of the topics I recommend having at least ten but enter everything that you can possibly think of that is related to your niche after you do all of that you need to click done and then when you come back into your main screen you will see here at the top there is an option saying answer and once you click the answer button you will see a feed with all of the questions that relate to those categories that you’ve just volunteered to answer questions for so you can scroll the feed and find the questions that are suitable for you the questions that you don’t want to answer you can just pass on for example here it says what are some challenges facing the SEO industries I can simply click pass on that and then I will scroll down until find something that I do want to answer to you we’ll see here it says why the different SEO tools show different numbers of backlinks okay so I could now go into this question read the question check out the answers that have already been given and then give my own answer so to give an answer I need to do is start typing the answer here and according to Quora rules at the moment you are allowed to link back to your website provided that Aransas high quality and the link that you provide actually adds value to the answer so to give you an example here if I had a post on my site that talks about SEO tools and why they show different numbers of backlinks I could give a nice long answer that properly answers the question that’s been asked and I can provide a link to my website at the bottom of the sensor for example saying something like if you would like to know more you can read about it here in my blog post so here is another example you can see here there is a question what is your review of us this year which is a wordpress plugin and here is an answer that has been uploaded several times we can see well it’s had one upload and there are links within this answer – there is blog posts so you can do exactly that to get traffic from Quora onto your website by providing the link inside the answer to maximize your results on Quora make sure that your answers are actually helpful if your answers get upwards then Quora will promote your answer on their platform as well as to their email list that will mean that your answer will get a lot of views from people opening their emails as well as from notifications inside the Quora platform so this was strategy number one Quorra calm traffic now let’s move on to strategy number two viral traffic this is one of the things that has been working exceptionally well for me so I want to share it with you guys as well as you can see here my new posts get a ton of shares this recent post has had 150 shares in just a few days without me doing anything and this one has had 191 shares in a couple of weeks how does it work well people love sharing stuff on social media anyone who visits my blog likes the article can click one of these sharing buttons and share this article with their followers on Facebook Twitter and so on this gets me free visitors without me having to do anything so if you’re currently not using any of the social sharing plugins then you most likely missing out on a lot of targeted traffic I also resisted installing a social sharing plugin for a really long time I’m not entirely sure why I just did not think that it would actually give me any benefit but it turns out that they work really well and bringing huge spikes of traffic just like what you can see here here is exactly how you can get a lot of free traffic using social sharing plugins the plug-in that I use on my website is called social warfare there is a free plan that’s more than enough for most websites if you need some extra features down the road there is a professional version of it available as well you simply need to download the plug-in and install it on your website with the free plan you’ll be able to get this beautiful sharing buttons on your website with a pro plan you will be able to access some additional features such as additional designs for the buttons and only displaying social counts once the shares has reached a certain minimum threshold if you want to check out social warfare for yourself then click the link in the description below now let’s talk about strategy number three answer the public and so the public is a website that will help you get free very targeted long tail search engine traffic you simply cannot get these keywords using any other keyword research tool so keep watching to find out exactly how you can use enter the public to start using enter the public simply type in three words and the public into Google and click the first result that comes up here we are on the enter the public website and answer the public in a nutshell is a platform that allows you to collect real questions that people type into Google and convert them into longtail keywords that you can use to get free traffic to your websites or blogs so let me give you an example of how this works by the way I love this guy he’s really funny he gets very frustrated if you don’t actually type stuff in people were in a weight loss niche I will type in how to lose weight in to enter the public and click get questions now it’s going to take a moment or a few moments to collect the keywords for you so as you can see now I’ve got several hundred various longtail keywords which are represented in both the graphical form here at the top as well as the least form at the bottom and these are really unique because you will not be able to get these same questions or these same keywords anywhere else using any other tool you can only get them using into the public and they are once again real keywords that people type into Google for example will probiotics help to lose weight will fasting help to lose weight when to lose weight after giving birth and so on so they are very hyper targeted questions with problems that people need solutions for alright now let me give you an example of how you can get traffic with this let’s just type one of them into Google and see how much exact competition we have so I’m going to take this one how to lose weight with Zumba Fitness copy it and then paste it into Google enclosed in quotation marks so that we can figure out exactly how much that exact competition the reason Google for this keyword so we can see that there are only 19 results this is amazing because for most of these things when you type them into Google you get 50 or a hundred thousand websites that are competing for that direct phrase ok here there are only 19 and this is an actual keyword that people type in on a regular basis into Google what that means if you create some high quality content that’s focused on this keyword how to lose weight with Zumba Fitness you are very likely to end up on page one of Google even if your website has super minimal Authority simply because there is so little competition out there for this keyword I’m hoping you’re seeing the power of this now let’s take it to the next level how do you actually get massive targeted traffic using into the public comm well you already know that there are hundreds of suggestions here that you can get for your initial the strategy is to pick out 10 or 20 of these questions check them out in Google like this using the quotation marks and verify that there is little competition so anything under 3000 is great once you’ve got 10 or 20 of these keywords then create one article which covers each of these questions in 100 to 200 words so you would take how to lose weight with Zumba fitness and make that one of the headings h1 on your article and then answer that question with 100 to 200 words and then repeat the process so basically create an article that answers approximately 10 to 20 of these questions in one article you will have this way you will have an article that’s 1,000 to 2,000 words in length which is excellent length for google and once you publish that your radical is very likely to start pulling in this longtail keyword search traffic from Google which will be very very targeted and with very easy to get and once again you can only do this using enter the public forum you can’t get this kind of information using any other of the keyword research tools so I’m hoping you’re seeing the potential of this into the public is an amazing tool and you can get a lot of free traffic to your website or blog using it alright so this was the whole process for how you can use answer the public to get traffic now let’s move on to strategy number four which is building your email list not building your email list is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make for the first eight years of my internet marketing business career I was not building an email list and I really regret it now you can drive all the traffic you want to your website but if you’re not capturing it into an email list you’re not actually growing your customer base and your audience you have now learned three various techniques just from this video for how you can get the traffic onto your website or blog that’s Quora social sharing and enter the public but once you implement these techniques or any other techniques 95% of the people who come to your website will leave without buying anything and they will never come back to your website that’s why you really need to start building a list of those email subscribers once you’ve got an email list then getting the traffic to your website is as as sending an email to your subscribers most of the beginner websites that I see are not collecting email subscribers at all and that’s a huge mistake so here are a few tips and strategies that you can implement today to start building your email subscriber list using these techniques personally I’ve been adding between 30 and 40 email subscribers every single day just from my campaign at a blogger website and I’m going to show you how to do the same in just a second the first place where you should be inserting an opt-in form is your home page as you can see on my caffeinated blogger website I have two opt-in forms on my home page one at the top and one at the bottom now the reason why it’s so important to have opt-in pages on your home page is that a large proportion of the people who come to any page on your site will end up checking out your home page just to see what your site is all about so you do get a lot of referral traffic onto your home page in virtually any niche with virtually any website that I have personally seen the the opt-in form that’s laid out this way on the home page converts really well as you can see from my thrive leads dashboard here are the stats on the conversions from that home page so the top home page opt-in form converts a 3.

5 5% and the bottom part of it converts a 3.3 7% if we add those up together because they are the same page view in total approximately 7% of everyone who visits my home page ends up joining my email list that’s a really great statistic when you compare it to a lot of the other types of opt-in sidebar and so forth if you’re not currently using an opt-in form on your home page then I recommend that you definitely do it this kind of front page opt-in format works in any niche my blog is in the blogging and traffic niche but the same format works absolutely the same in weight loss niche in health niche relationships niche any niche that you can possibly think of the second type of opt-in form that I see a lot of people not using and that actually works really really well is the dedicated squeeze page similar to what you can see on the screen here so here I’m offering a free traffic course to anyone who wants to sign up to it and the way that I drive traffic to it is from variety of different sources so basically I linked to this page from nearly all of my blog posts at least a couple of times and that drives a lot of traffic from all of these blog posts and from the various other traffic sources onto this squeeze page I will show you an example here is an example of a blog post you can see that at the bottom here I am linking to this free course the wedding that I’m using is sign up for my free Pinterest traffic course here and a lot of people that click on here will land onto the squeeze page where they’re able to sign up to the free traffic course I’m here inside the thrive leads dashboard and as you can see my conversions currently see that fifty one point three seven percent and using this squeeze page I’ve added one thousand seven hundred and forty-one leads so far since I last reset stats the third type of opt-in form that you can use is sidebar opt-in but with a twist let me show you what I mean so you most likely have seen or possibly are yourself using a sidebar opt-in which is similar to this what I’m offering here on the right-hand side free traffic course 1000 visitors the problem with most of these sidebar opt-ins is that once a user Scrolls past them it’s gone out of their sight never to come back again so this is not very good for your list building so the little hack that I recommend you implement if you’re not using it yet is to make that opt-in sticky so as you can see I’ve got my opt-in form here again in the sidebar but as the user continue scrolling down the blog post this second form actually ends up being sticky that means that if they continue scrolling down the post that sidebar will always be in their face at least on the desktop to do this I use a plug-in called q2 w3 fixed widget which is a free plugin which you can download from the wordpress.

org website once you installed and activated the q2 w3 fixed widget it will add this little option here to your sidebar widgets called fixed widget all you then need to do is take this text widget check box for the widget that you would like to be fixed and it will then stick in the sidebar and not actually drop the screen as the user is scrolling down the screen once you implement this and the sidebar becomes sticky you’re very likely to get more opt-ins to your email list than if you were not using this fixed sidebar widget so how does it convert I’m here inside my thrive leads dashboard once again and as you can see my Pinterest traffic course which is my sidebar widget converts at one point 92% which is quite good compared to the times when I was not using this fixed sidebar widget I was getting less than 1% conversions so this has effectively enabled me to double my opt-in rate just by using this q2 w3 fixed widget opt-in using all of these tips you should now be well on your way to building your own email subscriber list in case you’re curious what plug-in I’m using on my website to build my subscriber list as well as to run all of the analytics for lead collection it’s called thrive leads I love that plug-in I use it myself on all of my websites and if you want to check it out then you can click the link in the description below this video ok so there it is these are four of my favorite strategies that you can start using today to start getting more free traffic to your website or blog if you enjoyed this content and you’d like to get more similar videos in the future about getting traffic blogging and making money online then make sure to subscribe to the caffeine at a blogger channel right now just click the button below this video don’t forget to click the little bell notification icon to get real-time updates as soon as I upload my next video if you want access to my free online marketing course then click the link in the description below thank you so much for watching comment below let me know what you think and I will see in the next video

Source : Youtube

How To Make Money Affiliate Marketing – Software Gets You FREE, Unlimited Buyer Traffic In Minutes

[ Music ] did you know it’s possible to click a few buttons and get unlimited free traffic to your website or affiliate link in as little as 52 seconds? If that excites, you pay close attention. We’ve developed a software that does exactly that.

It’s called eye traffic X. This software is mind-blowing and enables you to get unlimited free traffic, so you can finally make real consistent money online. So how exactly does eye traffic X work in a nutshell, eye traffic X creates unlimited set-and-forget traffic streams, automatically simply add a few pieces of information to the eye traffic X, software click the mouse a few times and bam and as little as fifty two seconds later, The traffic starts rolling in high traffic X is completely newbie friendly and you don’t, need any special skills or experience to get traffic flowing and start making money.

It’s fast. It’s easy and it works the best part is everyone can benefit from the free traffic that I traffic X can get for you, including affiliate marketers product creators, econ store owners, brick-and-mortar businesses, list builders, freelancers authors, coaches, bloggers and vloggers, stay-at-home parents, students, Retired people or anyone else wanting to get traffic and make money online.

This makes eye traffic X a must-have tool for anyone who wants to make money online. You can start getting free traffic and make money in just three simple steps: step 1 log in to the cloud-based software from any device with an internet connection.

Step 2 tell the software where you want your free traffic sent to can be any website or affiliate offer. Step 3 sit back while the software gets you top-quality traffic in 52 seconds or less being able to drive traffic on demand.

Catapults you right into the laptop lifestyle. You can make money 24/7 make money without any prior tech skills or experience create additional income out of thin air anytime. You Bank extra money with just a few clicks of your mouse, stop buying software and training that just don’t work like they claim work smarter by using our software that does all of the heavy lifting for you travel the world quit your day.

Job and live life on your own terms, and you know what’s really killer about this software? The results you can get are better than using paid traffic and time consuming free traffic methods and that’s, not all because we know how important it is to be able to get traffic from anywhere.

We’ve made eye traffic ex cloud-based. This means you can use the software on any device anywhere in the world with an internet connection, drive free traffic to your websites or affiliate links when you’re traveling or taking a vacation.

Even if you only take your smartphone, you’re, probably thinking that this revolutionary traffic getting software is probably very expensive, although it would be easy to charge you forty seven dollars per month for this, and you’d, still be getting great Value even at that price, however, you’re, not gonna pay anywhere near that today, during this special launch, we’re, slashing the price and eliminating the monthly fee, but only for a limited time.

That means when you get eye traffic X right now, you’re, not gonna pay. Forty seven dollars per month for access to this fantastic software. In fact, you’re, not gonna have to pay monthly at all. By hitting the Buy button.

Today you get instant access to I traffic X for a single one-time, only payment, and that’s, not all when you act today. You’ll, receive premium money-making bonuses worth four thousand two hundred ninety seven dollars, including the agency addition absolutely free, and to make this a total no-brainer for you to grab this right now, you’re, fully protected by our 30-day money-back guarantee.

So there’s, absolutely no risk. The only possible way you can lose here is by missing out on eye traffic X at a massive discount, so act fast, because the price goes up every 60 minutes for real. If you wait, you’ll pay more.

Are you tired of struggling to get the traffic you need? Are you ready to stop spinning your wheels and finally make real money online? Do you want to get free top converting traffic to any website in the next 52 seconds or less with just a few clicks of your mouse? Then click the button below now to lock in your discount and get instant access to I track X, hey everyone, Billy dog, just want you to record this quick demo of I profit X, which is our latest software to be released on Wednesday, the 19th of December 11 a.

m. Eastern, so firstly one is high traffic X. Ok, now I traffic X is a cloud-based software tool that allows your customers to great. You know very quick videos and then it allows them to syndicate both videos to video sites, or rather upload those videos to video sites and then simply click the links of those.

You know those video sites to further social media sites, so somebody could upload the video to YouTube or dailymotion directly from within the software and then click upon and then the links of the videos that are now uploaded to YouTube or dailymotion.

Then further gets syndicated. You you know additional social site sites such as Twitter, Tumblr, blogger and you know a whole bunch of other sites. Ok, so I mean what about you know a number of other cool features inside the software, so I’ll quickly log in here, and you know, if you do, when your own account, let David know, and he’ll, be more than Happy to you know suit our fee, so when you log in you can see you’re presenting with this, you know, familiar dashboard, ok, see the campaign’s.

Your some stats up here, how many videos uploaded how many links have been posted, because some, on the left hand side you for all the different options that, depending on which you know, depending on which option the customer purchases.

Some of these features will be in the more advanced you know in the more advanced versions of the software cases of tier 1 or tier 2. So on so you ‘ Ve got these search, keyword, keyword, research tool, you see which keywords somebody could potentially rank a video for.

You call a new campaign, says you can you know when to order the usual stuff, you can enter campaign, name, title description tags. You can eat a cute video that somebody create themselves or they can create a video very very quickly as well as that.

You ‘ Ve got a scheduler feature here, so somebody can schedule different times. They want different videos to be posted. You have some other cool benefits such as you know if it pulls in the top ten offers at any given time.

So you can see right now. We ‘ Ve got all these different offers on jvzoo, and you know this makes it easier for a newbie to have it all in one place. Okay, as well as that you you know, somebody can connect the different video cameras and connect the different social media accounts, and then they ‘

Ve got the reseller panel where they can potentially resell the reseller license to others than the agency panel to keep track of all the agency clients that they get should they wish to do the agency model again anyway, your video training and that’s.

Pretty much it so I hope you enjoyed this quick demo. If you need anything, if you you know, if you want access, let us know – and please note you know some of these advanced features such as reseller agency.

These will be included in the more advanced version of the software, which is the OTO one. Two three or four – and you know the basic feature of you – know Cramer: video uploading it to video sites and then Cindy getting those links to social science.

That’s. What that’s, what will be included in the main front end addition as well as the training. So if you do have any questions, let us know hope you enjoyed this quick video and I ‘ Ll speak to you very very soon and I hope to see you on the leaderboard on the 19th 19th or December by 11 a.

m. Eastern, you [ Music, ], you [, Music, ],

Source : Youtube

11 Online Marketing Tools


11 online marketing tools that can help your business. Now, these are tools that I use in my business. I currently make millions of dollars in my marketing business. And you may just be starting. But I’m going to explain why each of these tools is useful and going to help take your business to the next level online.

So, let’s go check them out. So, eleven online marketing tools. These are all tools I use in my business. I do millions of dollars a year. But even if you’re just starting, these, all these tools I’m going to go over can help out your business in some distinct way.

Now, I’m going to be talking about email marketing, keyword tool, site builder, ad spy, deep analytics, marketing automation, SMS text, analytics, photo editing, screen capture and an integrations tool in this training.

And I’m going to be doing it right here on my computer. So I’m going to walk through each of these 11 different tools. I’m not going to go deep into each tool but I’m going to explain what my favorite tool is in each of these categories and how I use that in my business so hopefully you can learn how these can help you in your own online business.

Let me get comfortable. I have a bad knee I don’t know if you know. I ACL soccer injury. It might got severed. And might I have to have a reconstructive surgery on my knee. I won’t bore you with the details.

But let’s check out these tools online. So, for email marketing, one of the best tools there is is MailChimp. Now, MailChimp is a free email marketing software. It’s very easy if you want to build an email list.

MailChimp is perhaps the best place to get started because it doesn’t cost you anything. And you can email people and create a big list of hundreds of thousands of people so that you can reach out to the people you want to consistently with your business.

MailChimps a fantastic tool. Once again, the price tag it’s one of the only free tools in the marketplace. Most other email providers also, they don’t want you to put up any affiliate links whatsoever.

So, if you’re in my business model which is affiliate marketing, companies can be kind of hard on you because they don’t want you constantly marketing stuff. MailChimp is generally alright with a lot of that stuff as long as you’re on a paid subscription.

Once you start building your email list, you want to get on a paid subscription. So, check it out and again, you can sign up free. So the next 3 tools, I’m going to go over actually all keyword tools.

So, I you know, I know that I said the numbers 11. This kind of brings up to 14 or something. But these tools are very useful.The first tool is Google’s keyword planner. So, it looks sort of like this.

Choose the right keywords and Google’s keyword planner is probably the original marketing tool and it’s also probably the most commonly used marketing tool around even today. And it’s 100% free.

Okay? Free. So, what you’re doing Google’s keyword tools, you can find how much search volume in there is for a particular keyword. So, let’s say you’re thinking of creating a company around.

.. let’s say you’re thinking about creating a company around Uber for you know find… You know, finding a personal trainer. You know? Find a personal trainer. You can get an idea of how many people are searching for that term in your particular area.

Now, this can be very useful if you’re marketing something. Or if you just want to know how expensive that term may be if you are bidding on it. So, you can see here. We have… Let’s let’s zoom in.

You know, we can say, “Okay, we’ll cost us $2 to place an ad on this, on the search term for every time somebody clicks.” Or you can also see the amount of number of of searches… You know? Of clicks.

You can expect to get for somebody searching. Find a personal trainer. Whatever business you’re looking to go into, you kind of want to have an idea of if people are searching for that product or service that you are offering.

And also, how much that costs. So this this helps me out a lot. What I use this for in my business is you know, for my YouTube videos for instance, I want to make sure I’m putting out content that people are in interested in.

You know, a good example would be if I searched the word “Best click tracker” Okay? That’s something that I think is pretty important. How to find the best click tracker. But what I’m seeing here is that nobody actually searches for that term.

And what I could do is I could actually just you know, I could go back and I could try to type in multiple different ways. Best click tracker top click tracker, click tracker. And click tracker. And I could see if people are searching any sort of variation of that word.

And what we’re seeing is that people search for click tracker with spaces in it. And but nobody… Very few people are actually searching for best click tracker. Only about 2,000 people per month around the world or even searching for that term.

–Click tracker. So, maybe that’s a video I put on YouTube. Or maybe that’s a blog post I put up or maybe not. Again, I use Google’s keyword tool to figure out what’s important to people because I’m biased.

What I think as important to people may not necessarily be important people on a broad spectrum. And you always need to keep that in mind when you’re marketing. Again, in marketing, there is no ego.

You’re giving the audience what they want. Another tool that I really like is called answer the public. Now, this is it’s got a really funny homepage. Like you see right here it’s this weird guy with the beard kind of pacing back and forth.

And what you can do is you can find ideas about keywords that people search for. So what I might search for is click tracker. And I want to see what questions people actually ask about click trackers, okay? So, I would just type in my term right here and then I’d asked do this.

Now, questions are great because if people are asking questions about a particular topic. It generally means they are interested. The topic is important to them. People only ask questions or type questions into Google about things that their actual pain points.

And this gives you insight into the customers mind and what they’re thinking. So here we go, here we have a search how to create a click tracker. Okay. And let’s let’s actually find the data.

“What is a click tracker?” And we also have “How to create a click tracker?” But we have very few terms. But maybe, if you know, I would want to do a video on what is a click tracker, so I could explain what a clique tracker is just the people who are wondering what it is.

Again, nobody’s asking how can it help me or other stuff. There’s it seems like there’s not a lot of action on this keyword. So it might not be something that I actually pursue. Where as if I typed in a.

.. You know, let’s type in my own name actually. What’s interesting? If I typed in get questions, let’s see what questions pop up. I get 0 questions. So nobody wonders anything about me which is good.

I guess I’d like to keep it that way. Now, the next thing the keyword tool that I really like is called ubersuggest. And ubersuggest helps you find longtail keywords about certain topics. Now once again, this helps us give us insight into the customers mind.

Doesn’t necessarily give us those questions that people are asking but it gives us an idea of what other things people are thinking about in relation to whatever we’re doing. So, I’m going to enter in my keyword here which is click tracker.

Let’s check it out. Now, what’s nice about uber suggests is Neil Patel, who is the guru bind that says, “This keyword is easy to rank for. There’s a 76% chance you can rank in the top 20.

” So that’s kind of cool. I know that simply if I put up a video about click trackers, I can probably rank pretty high for that and get some traffic. And you know, I did see that 2000 people were searching for that word.

So here it says 2,900 people a month. So, that could be pretty cool. That’s a very easy term to to rank for. And you know, just by putting up a video on YouTube, I could get some traffic for that.

So, you know, maybe there aren’t specific questions people are asking just what it is. So, if I were to do a video, maybe I just put up a video about what is a click tracker, okay. That’s kind of interesting.

There’s a lot of searches in September for it. But here are the other words. This is what’s more interesting to me is here are the other words people in relation to clique tracker. So people are looking for click tracker, click tracking Google Analytics.

So, knowing about click tracking in relation to Google Analytics might be something I want to address if I put up a blog post about this topic. Also, I see here free click trackers. Again, if I put up a blog post or a video blog about this topic, I might want to address whether there are free click trackers out there.

And I would want to up, you know… And that kind of gives me insight into… I wanted to talk about prosper 202 which is a self hosted tracking and analytics platform for digital marketing. So that’s you know, it’s free.

so that could be something pretty interesting to address if I’m talking about click trackers. Software, double click tracker. Click tracker URL. Then we have some weird thing right here which I’ll just cross out.

Okay, so that gives us some information. We know, I know if I’m putting up a video or a blog post about clique trackers, I’m gonna want to bring up the topics of Google Analytics and also a free option for a click tracker when I talk about this subject.

This has really given me insight into what people are looking for in relation to click tracking. Obviously, I use volume and I have no qualms about paying 300 dollars per month to use volume. But in this case, it’s, you know, it’s clear to me that I should be talking about you know, the free versions and the Google Analytics integrations.

The next tool I’m going to discuss is a site builder. Now, a site builder is such as click funnels, helps you just build websites without knowing any programming. Now, I’m a big advocate of click funnels.

I use it for my websites. I’m a huge affiliate for click funnels as well they have a great affiliate program. It’s a great company overall. And I use it quite a lot. We have a million visits to my sites every single month.

And we’re using click funnels to manage all of that traffic. So click funnels is a great company. If you don’t have programming skills or technical skill like I do, I mean I don’t have those skills.

I suggest you use clickfunnels to help you run your internet business. It’s a great option and there will be a link in the description of this video where you can sign up for clickfunnels if that’s what you want to use to build your websites.

So, great option right there. Now, the next set of tools is ad spy tools. Ad spy tools are pretty important. The 2 tools I like the most or ad beat. Which lets you look up a lot of different ads on display networks and native ad networks such as Google or Outbrain or whatnot.

Everything except Facebook essentially. But it’s very effective and their search features are amazing. I’ve been using ad beat for a while. Another great ad spy tool is Spyfu, okay? Spyfu allows you to find google search ads very effectively and what I could do is I could simply search you know something like TaiLopez.

com and find where else they are advertising and what keywords they are showing up for. Okay, so… That’s very helpful if we’re doing… We’re trying to find competitors or keywords to bid on.

Last ad spy tool is social ad scout. Now, social ad scout will allow you to see Facebook ads. And it’s an ad spy tool specifically for Facebook ads as you see right here, you can just spot a bunch of Facebook ads to spy against.

There’s a very easy way if you… If you don’t have swipe files for the affiliate program that you’re advertising, you can go on social ad scout and find some… Find some ads from from competitors and copy those so you can advertise whatever product you want.

Really great and effective. Volume is our next tool. This is what I call deep analytics. And this is a tool I use very often in my marketing to get deeper insights into my marketing campaigns so I can optimize my ads.

This allows me, Voluum allows me to split test my landing pages. It also allows me to figure out which landing pages are working with which adds and it automatically optimizes based on what’s going to make me the most ROI.

What’s going to make me the most money. It also allows me to get insight into what US states or what countries are the most effective. It allows me to check out what is PS or IPS or devices or device models or device types are the most effective for my advertising to allow me to figure out whether to optimize a certain landing page, experience or to change out my landing pages for a different country.

And a lot of other very advanced things that are really important to affiliate marketers such as myself who are doing big volume. You don’t need a deep analytics tool unless you’re making over $10,000 a month.

That’s what I tell people. But after you’re making $10,000 a month. A deep analytics tool will help you take your marketing game to the next level by giving you better insights and the better allowing you to split test what you’re doing in your marketing.

So, big fan of volume. They helped me scale my business from doing $50,000 a month to $500,000 a month. And I just found this is kind of funny. They actually have a quote for me here. So, volume contributed massively to my business growth from 1 million a year to 3 million a year.

It’s intuitive and user friendly giving me the ability to manage large sets of advertising data. That’s pretty cool. They’ve featured my quote on their homepage. I’m also friends with the owner.

So we hang out sometimes but he doesn’t really run the company anymore. We just just kind of go off and do fun things like… I don’t know, smoke cigars and jacuzzis and stuff like that. So, that sounds really douchey.

So, here’s the next program which is… This is this is called a marketing automation program. It’s called keep or Infusionsoft as it’s known. Here’s Infusionsoft through advanced automation.

And Infusionsoft is software. Really, it’s a CRM that I use very often in my marketing to help me figure out, you know, sending emails to people. Sending texts to people. Sending you know, I have a bunch of different marketing channels that I use in for my own product which is my 6-week course called the super affiliate system.

This allows me to talk to all of my customers effectively and people in different stages of learning about my educational courses. So, great product, it costs pricing I think it starts at about $200 per month.

It’s more of an advanced software for when you start building an email list. MailChimp is great as a free program for email lists. But Infusionsoft is really the next level. Once you start moving beyond email lists and doing other forms of marketing, this really helps you manage you know, attribution and all these other things that MailChimp.

.. MailChimp is just kind of a little tool whereas Infusionsoft is sort of a toolbox where you put all your tools and helps keep out all your different marketing channels organized. The next marketing tool I’m going to talk about is CallLoop.

Now call loop is something I like a lot. This allows me to send SMS texts and also RVMs, ringless voicemails to my customer. So, RVM –ringless voicemail, SMS text messaging is right there. And this is a great way to market.

If you have the phone numbers of your customers, if it is… You should be sending them text messages, you should be dropping them voicemails. Now, don’t overdo text messages or voicemails. People will get very annoyed.

I send about, you know, maybe one text message a week. Maybe one ringless voicemail week is kind of good on the annoyance scale. You might, maybe you send more, maybe you send less. Donald Trump sends me one text message 5 hours.

It’s kind of crazy he sends a lot of text trying to get more money out of me. But the point being is this is a great cheap effective software that allows you to reach your customers in a very, very, very effective way.

And I can’t stress enough how effective SMS text messaging and ringless voicemail if you do indeed have your customers phone numbers. So, totally use this. It’s 4 cents to send a text. 4 cents to drop a voicemail on somebody’s phone.

So it’s cheap, its effective and it’s easy. So, use it. Now, another analytics program that you can use which is I just kind of consider foundational analytics is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is right here.

You see is the base foundation for really all marketing analytics. If you don’t have Google Analytics on your site, you are missing out on a huge amount of data that is available to you. So here we are in my site, we see there’s.

.. I don’t know, like a 118,000 people. There’s 116 people on my site right now and it’s late at night, okay? So we have… I mean, I don’t know why so many people are on my website and it’s so late at night.

Sounds kind of crazy. But you can learn a lot about your customers. You can see where they’re coming from. Where in the world they’re coming from. You know, 35. I mean, this is kind of interesting.

Only 35% of the people that visit my website are from the US. And we can also look at various other information how many people are using desktop computers versus mobile devices. I can see… You know, I can also look at the demographics.

So, let’s say I wanted to look at the demographics of my users. I could say, “Okay, most of them seem to be kind of younger and then it’s kind of… We have you know pretty even distribution of older people.

” I can also see that I’m more popular among males than I am among females. It’s about two-thirds male and one-third female. Now, if you’re a female I highly suggest you visit my website to get this ratio more even.

But there’s a lot of other interesting information that you can gather from Google Analytics that can help you make marketing decisions. Again, if I’m advertising on Google, this will allow me to figure out what categories that my audience is in.

For instance, in market segments is a really important category in Google AdWords. Now, if you you can be an affiliate for my program, this information is pretty helpful. And we see that most of the users are in this category.

Business services, advertising, marketing services which makes a lot of sense. We can also see that these categories are pretty niche down. These are pretty specific categories. And these would be categories that we’d want to focus on.

Categories like employment are broad. So almost everybody’s going to be in them. Again, the correlation might be off. But this is all data that can help us be more effective at what we do which is advertising and marketing.

It gives us more data. And that’s that’s the point of analytics is giving us more data, more options available to us to really be specific and get the most bang out of our buck. Now, we have 3 more tools to go through.

I know this has been a mammoth episode. But I hope you’re sticking with me and learning some stuff here. Give this… Give this video a big fat like first of all if you are getting some value out of this.

Because, yeah… I mean, if you’re still here you are pretty crazy because we’re going through all these tools. And also, by the end of this video, let me know what tool you like the most. I’ll talk about that in a second.

Now, for photo editing, what I use… I use this I’ve been using this since 2009. I never took a course in photo editing. I took some like… You know, I watched some videos online and it took some tutorial courses.

But I never actually took a formal course in video editing. But I use Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is my preferred go to photo editor. Now, photo editing is a super essential skill if you’re marketer.

I find it very helpful. It’s not super essential but it’s very helpful. Especially if you’re putting up ads that include images. You can also impress family and friends and what-have-you. But being able to edit photos has helped me a lot in my career as a marketer because it’s allowed me to be able to create advantages for myself that other people may not have.

It’s allowed me to make photo stand out more. It’s allowed me to make things pop. It’s I’d meet another layer of optimization that has been very helpful for me. Now, photos have been moving towards video.

Video is actually I’d say the new big skill in advertising. Back when I got started in advertising, there was no video. There was no way to advertise video back in 2009. So, that brings me up to my next software, online marketing software tool which is Camtasia.

Camtasia is so cool. Okay? I’m a big fan of Camtasia. It allows you to record your screen and capture video. I’m actually using it for this video on YouTube right now. Isn’t that cool? And it allows allows me to draw on my screen.

It allows me to highlight things, it allows me to point to things. And allows me to do all manner of cool doodads that allows me to share more stuff with the world. Now as an educator, I’m on YouTube and I also have training programs.

You know, I have my six-week training course. And I also have an army of affiliates that want to learn how to better advertise and how to better market my own products. And part of the reason why a lot of people market my products is because I try to be a good teacher and show people how to market my products in the best way possible.

And to do that, I need a very good screen recorder and video editor to share with people what I’m doing and how to market effectively on the computer. So, this helps out a lot. And there’s a free trial of it.

If you are going into YouTube or if you are sharing things with other team members, let’s say you have virtual assistants or whatever, contractors. Camtasia is a fantastic tool to help share stuff with them.

This brings me to my last tool. And I’m actually going to give one bonus tool on top of this which you’ll like. And you’ll have to subscribe to my channel for the bonus tool. No, not really.

But you just keep watching the video. But zapier. And this is an automation software. Zapier helps connect all of the different kind of tools that were working with. Google analytics or can help you connect slack with with SMS or all these different things that we’re using.

It can help piece together the puzzle. If certain puzzle pieces don’t fit together. Zapier is really it’s like a one size fits all. It’s an essential thing to kind of mop up whatever… Whatever.

MailChimp doesn’t connect with Infusionsoft correctly, zapier will make it connect correctly. So zapier is great at just connecting all of these marketing programs together. And making sure everything in your business runs without you having to touch my business runs.

Without me having to do anything at this point. I didn’t really do much in my business today. But everything runs. And everything runs without me having to worry too much about it because I use tools like Zapier to keep everything connected.

Now, the one bonus tool that I’m going to show you is a… Is actually a really cool one I just came across. I totally forgot about. It’s called gifiam. This is how you make animated gifs. Very simple, very effective and it’s a free gift maker.

I’ve gotten really big into gifs lately. So these moving gifs. I’m not going to go too deep in that. But if you enjoyed this video, please give it a big thumbs up, make sure if you want to learn more about online marketing and learn how to make money online, you know, make sure you subscribe to this channel.

I do affiliate marketing and by subscribing to this channel, you will get a free course. It’s 10 videos on affiliate marketing. It will show you from soup to nuts how you can get started and help you understand the business model so you can go out there on your own.

Also, I have my own course. I have a 6-week course on affiliate marketing showing a more advanced strategies and kind of longer… You know, takes a while to go through. 6-week course. But basically, we’re going through.

.. You know, I’m going through advertising placement on these different ad networks. Also, leave a comment. What tool was the most useful to you? Okay? Once again, comment below what tool was the most useful to you because when you comment what the tool was most useful to you, I may make a video on going deeper into using that tool more effectively for my business and for your business.

So, looking forward to seeing you in future videos. Thank you for tuning into this mammoth episode on Internet marketing tools to help your business. eleven online marketing tools that can help your business now these are tools that I use in my business I currently make millions of dollars in my marketing business and you may just be starting but I’m gonna explain why each of these tools is useful and gonna help take your business to the next level online so let’s go check them out so eleven online marketing tools these are all tools I use in my business I do millions of dollars a year but even if you’re just starting these all these tools I’m gonna go over can help out your business in some distinct way now I’m gonna be talking about email marketing keyword tool site builder ads by deep analytics marketing automation SMS text analytics photo editing screen capture and an integrations tool in this training and I’m gonna be doing it right here on my computer so I’m gonna walk through each of these eleven different tools I’m not gonna go deep into each tool but I’m going to explain what my favorite tool is in each of these categories in how I use that in my business so hopefully you can learn how these can help you in your own online business let me get comfortable I have a bad knee I don’t know if you know I a CL soccer injury it might got severed and might I have to have a reconstructive surgery on my knee I won’t bore you with the details but let’s check out these tools online so for email marketing one of the best tools there is is MailChimp now MailChimp is a free email marketing software it’s very easy if you want to build an email list MailChimp is perhaps the best place to get started because it doesn’t cost you anything and you can email people and create a big list of hundreds of thousands of people so that you can reach out to the people you want to consistently with your business meal chips a fantastic tool once again the price tag it’s one of the only free tools in the marketplace most other email providers also they don’t want you to put up any affiliate links whatsoever so if you’re in my business model which is affiliate marketing companies can be kind of hard on you because they don’t want you constantly marketing stuff MailChimp is generally alright with a lot of that stuff as long as you’re on a paid subscription once you start building your email list you want to get on a paid subscription so check it out and again you can sign up free so the next three tools I’m gonna go over actually all keyword tools so I you know I know that I said the numbers eleven this kind of brings up to fourteen or something but these tools are very useful the first tool is Google’s keyword planner so it looks sort of like this choose the right keywords and Google’s keyword planner is probably the original marketing tool and it’s also probably the most commonly used marketing tool around even today and it’s 100% free okay free so what you’re doing Google’s keyword tools you can find how much search volume in there is for a particular keyword so let’s say you’re thinking of creating a company around to thinking about creating a company around uber for you know find you know finding a personal trainer you know find a personal trainer you can get an idea of how many people are searching for that term in your particular area now this can be very useful if you’re marketing something or if you just want to know how expensive that term may be if you are bidding on it so you can see here we have let’s let’s zoom in you know we can say okay we’ll cost us $2 to place an ad on this on the search term for every time somebody clicks or you can also see the amount of number of of searches you know of clicks you can expect to get for somebody searching find a personal trainer whatever business you’re looking to go into you kind of want to have an idea of if people are searching for that product or service that you are offering and also how much that costs so this this helps me out a lot what I use this for in my business is you know for my youtube videos for instance I want to make sure I’m putting out content that people are in interested in you know a good example would be if I searched the word best click tracker okay that’s something that I think is pretty important how to find the best click tracker but what I’m seeing here is that nobody actually searches for that term and what I could do is I could actually just you know I could go back and I could try to type in multiple different ways best click tracker top click track or click tracker and click tracker and I could see if people are searching any sort of variation of that word and what we’re seeing is that people search for click tracker with spaces in it and but nobody very few people are actually searching for best click track or only about 2,000 people per per month around the world or even searching for that term click tracker so maybe that’s a video I I put on YouTube or maybe that’s a blog post I put up or maybe not again I use Google’s keyword tool to figure out what’s important to people because I’m biased what I think as important to people may not necessarily be important people on a broad spectrum and you always need to keep that in mind when you’re marketing again in marketing there is no ego you’re giving the audience what they want another tool that I really like is called answer the public now this is it’s got a really funny homepage like you see right here it’s this weird guy with the beard kind of pacing back and forth and what you can do is you can find ideas about keywords that people search for so what I might search for is click tracker and I want to see what questions people actually ask about click trackers okay so I would just type in my term right here and then I’d asked do this now questions are great because if people are asking questions about a particular topic it generally means they are interested the topic is important to them people only ask questions or type questions into Google about things that their actual pain points and this gives you insight into the customers mind and what they’re thinking so here we go here we have a search how to create a click track okay and let’s let’s actually find the data what is a clique tracker and we also have how to create a clique tracker but we have very few terms but maybe if you know I would want to do a video on what is a clique tracker so I could explain what a clique tracker is just the people who are wondering what it is again nobody’s asking how can it help me or other stuff there’s it seems like there’s not a lot of action on this keyword so it might not be something that I actually pursue where suffice typed in a you know let’s type in my own name actually what’s interesting if I typed in get questions let’s see what questions pop up I get 0 questions so nobody wonders anything about me which is good I guess I’d like to keep it that way now the next thing the keyword tool that I really like is called ubersuggest and ubersuggest helps you find longtail keywords about certain topics now once again this helps us give us insight into the customers mind doesn’t necessarily give us those questions that people are asking but it gives us an idea of what other things people are thinking about in relation to whatever we’re doing so I’m gonna enter in my keyword here which is click tracker let’s check it out now what’s nice about uber suggests is Neil Patel who is the guru bind that says this keyword is easy to rank for there’s a 76 percent chance you can rank in the top 20 so that’s kind of cool I know that simply if I put up a video about click trackers I can probably rank pretty high for that and get some traffic and you know I did see that 2000 people were searching for that word so here it says two thousand nine hundred people a month so that could be pretty cool that’s a very easy term to to rank for and you know just by putting up a video on YouTube I could get some traffic for that so you know maybe there aren’t specific questions people are asking just what it is so if I were to do a video maybe I just put up a video about what is a click tracker okay that’s kind of interesting there’s a lot of searches in September for it but here are the other words this is what’s more interesting to me is here are the other words people in relation to clique tracker so people are looking for click tracker click tracking Google Analytics so knowing about click tracking in relation to Google Analytics might be something I want to address if I put up a blog post about this topic also I see here free click trackers again if I put up a blog post or a video blog about this topic I might want to address whether there are free click trackers out there and I would want to up you know and that kind of gives me insight into I wanted to talk about prosper 202 which is a self hosted tracking and analytics platform for for digital marketing so that’s that’s you know it’s it’s free so that could be something pretty interesting to address if I’m talking about click trackers software double click tracker click track or URL then we have some weird thing right here which I’ll just cross out okay so that gives us some information we know I know if I’m putting up a video or a blog post about clique trackers I’m gonna want to bring up the topics of Google Analytics and also a free option for a click track or when I talk about this subject this has really given me insight into what people are looking for in relation to click tracking obviously I I use volume and I have no qualms about paying 300 dollars per month to use volume but in this case it’s you know it’s it’s clear to me that I should be talking about you know the free versions and the Google Analytics integrations the next tool I’m gonna discuss is a site builder now a site builder is such as click funnels helps you just build websites without knowing any programming now I’m a big advocate of click funnels I use it for my websites I’m I’m a huge affiliate for click funnels as well they have a great affiliate program it’s a great company overall and I use it quite a lot we we have a million visits to my sites every single month and we’re using click funnels to manage all of that traffic so click funnels is a great company if you don’t have programming skills or technical skill like I do I mean I don’t have those skills I suggest you use clickfunnels to help you run your internet business it’s a great option and there will be a link in the description of this video where you can sign up for clickfunnels if that’s what you want to use to build your websites so great option right there now the next set of tools is ad spy tools ad spy tools are pretty important the two tools I like the most or add beat which lets you look up a lot of a lot of different ads on display networks and native ad networks such as Google or Outbrain or whatnot everything except Facebook essentially but it’s very effective and their search features are amazing I’ve been using ad beat for a while another great ad spy tool is spyfu okay spyfu allows you to find google search ads very effectively and what I could do is I could simply search you know something like Tai Lopez comm and find where else they are advertising and what keywords they are showing up for okay so that’s very helpful if we’re doing we’re trying to find competitors or keywords to bid on lastest ad spy tool is social ad scout now social ad scout will allow you to see Facebook ads and it’s an ad spy tool specifically for Facebook ads as you see right here you can just spot a bunch of Facebook ads – to spy against there’s a very easy way if you if you don’t have swipe files for the affiliate program that you’re advertising you can go on social ad scout and find some find some ads from from competitors and copy those so you can advertise whatever product you want really great and effective volume is our next tool this is what I call deep analytics and this is a tool I use very often in my marketing to get deeper insights into my marketing campaigns so I can optimize my ads this allows me Baalim allows me to split test my landing pages it also allows me to figure out which landing pages are working with which adds and it automatically optimizes based on what’s going to make me the most ROI what’s gonna make me the most money it also allows me to get insight into what US states or what countries are the most effective it allows me to check out what is PS or IPS or devices or device models or device types are the most effective for my advertising to allow me to figure out whether to optimize a certain landing page experience or to change out my landing pages for a different country and a lot of other very advanced things that are really important to affiliate marketers such as myself who are doing big volume you don’t need a deep analytics tool unless you’re making over ten thousand dollars a month that’s what I tell people but after you’re making ten thousand dollars a month a deep analytics tool will help you take your marketing game to the next level by giving you better insights and the better allowing you to split test what you’re doing in your marketing so big fan of volume they helped me scale my business from doing fifty thousand dollars a month to five hundred thousand dollars a month and I just found this is kind of funny they actually have a quote for me here so volume contributed massively to my business growth from 1 million a year to three million a year it’s intuitive and user friendly giving me the ability to manage large sets of advertising data that’s pretty cool they’ve featured my quote on on their homepage I’m also friends with the owner so we hang out sometimes but he doesn’t really run the company anymore we just we just kind of go off and do fun things like I don’t smoke cigars and jacuzzis and stuff like that so that sounds really douchey so here’s the next program which is this is this is called a marketing automation program it’s called keep or Infusionsoft as it’s known here’s Infusionsoft through advanced automation and Infusionsoft is software really it’s a CRM that I use very often in my marketing to help me figure out you know sending emails to people sending texts to people sending you know I have a bunch of different marketing channels that I use in for my own product which is my six-week course called the super affiliate system this allows me to talk to all of my customers effectively and people in different stages of learning about my educational courses so great product it costs pricing I think it starts at about two hundred dollars per month it’s more of an advanced software for when you start building an email list MailChimp is great as a free program for email lists but Infusionsoft is really the next level once you start moving beyond email lists and doing other forms of marketing this really helps you manage you know attribution and all these other things that MailChimp MailChimp is just kind of a little tool whereas Infusionsoft is sort of a toolbox where you put all your tools and helps keep out all your different marketing channels organized the next marketing tool I’m going to talk about is call loop now call loop is something I like a lot this allows me to send SMS texts and also our VMs ringless voicemails to my customer so our VM ringless voicemail SMS text messaging is right there and this this is a great way to market if you have the phone numbers of your customers if it is you you should be sending them text messages you should be dropping them voicemails now don’t overdo text messages or voicemails people will get very annoyed I send about you know maybe one text message a week maybe one ringless voicemail week is kind of good on the annoyance scale you might maybe you send more maybe you send less Donald Trump sends me one text message five hours it’s kind of crazy he sends a lot of text trying to get more money out of me but the point being is this is a great cheap effective software that allows you to reach your customers in a very very very effective way and I can’t stress enough how effective SMS text messaging and ringless voicemail if you do indeed have your customers phone numbers so totally use this it’s four cents to send a text four cents to drop a voicemail on somebody’s phone so it’s cheap its effective and it’s easy so use it now another analytics program that you can use which is I just kind of consider foundational analytics is Google Analytics Google Analytics is right here you see is the base foundation for really all marketing analytics if you don’t have Google Analytics on your site you are missing out on a huge amount of data that is available to you so here we are in my site we see there’s I don’t know like a hundred and eighteen thousand people there’s 170 160 people on my site right now and it’s late at night okay so we have I mean I don’t know why so many people are on my website and it’s so late at night sounds kind of crazy but you can you can learn a lot about your customers you can see you know where they’re coming from where in the world they’re coming from you know thirty-five I mean this is kind of interesting only thirty five percent of the people that visit my website are from the US and we can also look at you know various other information you know how many people are using desktop computers versus mobile devices I can see you know I can also look at the demographics so let’s say I wanted to look at the demographics of my users I could say okay most of them seem to be kind of younger and then it’s kind of we have you know pretty even distribution of older people I can also see that I’m more popular among males than I am among females it’s about two-thirds male and one-third female now if you’re a female I highly suggest you visit my website to get this ratio more even but there’s a lot of other interesting information that you can gather from Google Analytics that can help you make marketing decisions again if I’m advertising on Google this will allow me to figure out what categories that my audience is in for instance in market segments is a really important category in Google AdWords now if you you can be an affiliate for my program this information is pretty helpful and we see that most of the users are in this category business services advertising marketing services which makes a lot of sense we can also see that these categories are pretty niche down these are pretty specific categories and these would be categories that we’d want to focus on categories like employment are broad so almost everybody’s going to be in them again the correlation might be off but this is all data that can help us be more effective at what we do which is advertising and marketing it gives us more data and that’s that’s the point of analytics is giving us more data more options available to us to really be specific and get the most bang out of our buck now we have three more tools to go through I know this has been a mammoth episode but I hope you’re sticking with me and learning some stuff here give this give this video a big fat like first of all if you are getting some value out of this because yeah I mean if you’re still here you are pretty crazy because we’re going through all these tools and and and also by the end of this video let me know what tool you like the most I’ll talk about that in a second now for photo editing what I use I use this I’ve been using this since 2009 I never took a course in photo editing I took some like you know I watched some videos online and it took some tutorial courses but I never actually took a formal course in video editing but I use Adobe Photoshop Photoshop is my preferred go to photo editor now photo editing is a super essential skill if you’re marketer or I find it very helpful it’s not super essential but it’s very helpful especially if you’re putting up ads that include images you can also impress family and friends and what-have-you but being able to edit photos has helped me a lot in my career as a marketer because it’s allowed me to be able to create advantages for myself that other people may not have it’s allowed me to make photo stand out more it’s allowed me to make things pop it’s I’d meet another layer of optimization that has been very helpful for me now photos have been moving towards video video is actually I’d say the new big skill in advertising back when I got started in advertising there was no video there was no way to advertise video back in 2009 so that brings me up to my next software online marketing software tool which is Camtasia Camtasia is so cool okay I’m a big fan of Camtasia it allows you to record your screen and capture video I’m actually using it for this video on YouTube right now isn’t that cool and it allows allows me to draw on my screen it allows me to highlight things it allows me to point to things and allows me to do all manner of cool doodads that allows me to share more stuff with the world now as an educator I’m on YouTube and I also have training programs you know I have my six-week training course and I also have an army of affiliates that want to learn how to better advertise and how to better market my my own products and part of the reason why a lot of people market my products is because I try to be a good teacher and show people how to market my products in the best way possible and to do that I need a very good screen recorder and video editor to share with people what I’m doing and how to market effectively on the computer so this helps out a lot and there’s a free trial of it if you are going into YouTube or if you are sharing things with other team members let’s say you have virtual assistants or whatever contractors Camtasia is a fantastic tool to help share stuff with them this brings me to my last tool and I’m actually gonna give one bonus tool on top of this which you’ll like and you’ll you’ll have to subscribe to my channel for the bonus tool nah not really but you just keep watching the video but zapier and this is an automation software zapier helps connect all of the different kind of tools that were work with google analytics or can help you connect slack with with SMS or all these different things that we’re using it can help piece together the puzzle if certain puzzle pieces don’t fit together zip year is really it’s like a one size fits all it’s it’s an essential thing to kind of mop up whatever whatever if MailChimp doesn’t connect with Infusionsoft correctly zapier will make it connect correctly so zapier is great at just connecting all of these marketing programs together and making sure everything in your business runs without you having to touch my business runs without me having to do anything at this point I didn’t I didn’t really do much in my business today but everything runs and everything runs without me having to worry too much about it because I use tools like Savior to keep everything connected now the one bonus tool that I’m gonna show you is a is actually a really cool one I just came across I totally forgot about it’s called gif iam this is how you make animated gifs very simple very effective and it’s a free gift maker I’ve gotten really big into gifts lately so these moving gifts um not gonna go too deep in that but if you enjoyed this video please give it a big thumbs up make sure if you want to learn more about online marketing and learn how to make money online you know make sure you subscribe to this channel I do affiliate marketing and by subscribing to this channel you will get a free course it’s ten videos on affiliate marketing it will show you from soup to nuts how you can get started and help you understand the business model so you can go out there on your own also I have my own course I have a six-week course on affiliate marketing showing a more advanced strategies and kind of longer you know takes a while to go through six-week course but basically we’re going through you know I’m going through advertising placement on these different ad networks also leave a comment what tool was the most useful to you okay once again comment below what tool was the most useful to you because when you comment what the tool was most useful to you I may make a video on going deeper into using that tool more effectively for my business and for your business so looking forward to seeing you in future videos thank you for tuning into this mammoth episode on Internet [Music]

Source : Youtube